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Re: Re: Forum's permissions

posts: 215

In my description of how to check if Registered users had the global permission "Can admin forums (tiki_p_admin_forum)", I assumed the "Assign global permissions" page worked, but I have found that in both 6.3 and 7.1 the permissions that are checked may NOT show as checked, depending on which groups are selected for the display.

For example: On the Assign global permissions page in 7.1, if I have Anonymous and Registered groups selected, permissions that are checked for Registered only do not show as being checked. But if I select just the Registered group, then the Registered group permissions that are checked correctly show up as checked.

With this bug of not correctly showing which permissions are checked, you may actually have given the Registered group the "Can admin forums (tiki_p_admin_forum)" but are not able to see that it is selected.

Here is a process using phpMyAdmin that will show you if you have assigned the tiki_p_admin_forum permission, and which groups it has been granted to.

Open phpMyAdmin for your Tiki Database. (On my hosting account, which uses Plesk, this means logging in to Plesk, clicking on the domain name, clicking on "Databases" option, clicking on the Tiki database name, and then clicking on "DB WebAdmin".)

Once phpMyAdmin is open, click on the "users_grouppermissions" table. Then click on the "SQL" tab and enter the query:

SELECT * FROM `users_grouppermissions` WHERE `permName` = 'tiki_p_admin_forum'

(Note that there are back tics around the table and column names and apostrophes around the permission.)
And then click on the "GO" button.

If any groups have been granted "Can admin forums (tiki_p_admin_forum)", then the group name and that permission will be listed. If a group is listed that should not have that permission, they you can use the red X icon to delete that table row, and that will take away that permission from that group.

You can do the same process for the table users_objectpermissions:

SELECT * FROM `users_objectpermissions` WHERE `permName` = 'tiki_p_admin_forum'

And for the table users_permissions:

SELECT * FROM `users_permissions` WHERE `permName` = 'tiki_p_admin_forum'


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