open_basedir = no value
We have been using TikiWiki 2.4 for a while. Everything was working fine until recently we upgraded to Apache/2.2.22 (Unix). Now we can't access the TikiWiki.
Error message shown:
Tikiwiki is not properly set up:
The directory '' does not exist or PHP is not allowed to access it (check open_basedir entry in php.ini).
Your options:
1- With FTP access:
a) Change the permissions (chmod) of the directories to 777.
b) Create any missing directories
c) Execute the Tiki installer again (Once you have executed these commands, this message will disappear!)
2- With shell (SSH) access, you can run the command below.
a) Run and follow the instructions:
$ bash
$ cd /usr/webapp/csmail
$ sh
The script will offer you options depending on your server configuration.
b) Execute the Tiki installer again (Once you have executed these commands, this message will disappear!)
If you have problems accessing a directory, check the open_basedir entry in
/usr/local/lib/php.ini or httpd.conf.
I have checked the php.ini and found that open_basedir = no value. I think the open_basedir is no value all these while. How come it worked previously but not now?
What does the following message mean?
The directory '' does not exist or PHP is not allowed to access it
How to fix it? I try not to run the Tiki installer again to avoid a new database being created. I want to use back the existing database.
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!