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Features / Usability

Gallery Conversion

posts: 16

I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn't find it.

I have some large Image galleries that store the pics in a mySQL DB. Is there a script to convert an Image Gallery from DB storage back to filesystem storage?

Any help, leads or scripts would be much appreciated.

posts: 215

Have you tried the Admin -> File Galleries page,"Move files from database to directory" option? You need to set the Admin -> File Galleries "Storage:" option to "Store in directory" first, and then set the "Path to store files in the file gallery:" to the folder to hold the images. Set the permissions on the folder to 755 (or rerun setup.sh after setting the folder path, which will set the permissions for you, at least in Tiki 9.5 and older). And then use the "Move files from database to directory" option.

You might find this recent thread helpful: http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=47056


posts: 16

This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank You So Much! I'll give it a shot.

posts: 16

So I followed the instructions and those "files" stored in the DB were moved to the file system.

However, those images stored in the DB were not moved to the file system. I did look under the Images Gallery for something to the process described for the Files Gallery, but no joy.

Any other ideas?

posts: 16
bump... come on guys!

posts: 215

I am sorry, you did say you wanted to move Image Galleries, and I told you how to move File Galleries.

But, there is a move option on the Admin -> Image Galleries page similar to the one you used on the Admin -> File Galleries page.

On the Admin -> Image Galleries page, set the Directory Path and the folder. Then use the "SET FEATURES" button.

Once that is done, farther down the page is a box labeled "Mover" which gives you options for moving the Image Galleries from the database to the file system.


posts: 16

Thank you for the information.

I moved my files and everything seemed to work correctly. I believe the thing that was confusing me was you have to make 1 UI change and save before the Mover option becomes visible.

Thanks Again!