How do I remove a large number of spam forum posts? Posted by brandanhadlock 19 Aug 2013 12:22 GMT-0000 posts: 84 How can I remove a large number of spam forum posts without having to individually select each post to delete? I currently have Tiki 8.2 installed. Thanks.
Posted by Xavier de Pedro 19 Aug 2013 16:32 GMT-0000 posts: 1817 you can do that from the topic list of the forum, can't you? And for sure you need to upgrade your tiki to at leas Tiki 9.x LTS, or latest stable, Tiki 11. See Also see:
Posted by brandanhadlock 24 Aug 2013 16:55 GMT-0000 posts: 84 xavi, I don't see how to mass delete. I went to forums >> list forums. Then what? I can click on the name of the forum. From there I can individually delete posts. But I have to do it individually, and I am only shown ten posts at a time.
Posted by Tom Jarvis 24 Aug 2013 17:53 GMT-0000 posts: 215 I think what xavi meant was to use the "Delete Selected Topics" option, after checking all the boxes in front of the titles you wanted to delete. The number of forum posts displayed can be changed in Admin > Forums, "Default number per page:". If you did not allow attachments, then you could use phpmyadmin to delete all the posts by a user. The forum posts are kept in the tiki_comments table. In the SQL tab enter: Copy to clipboarddelete from tiki_comments where userName = "the user name of the spammer"; If you allowed attachements, I am not sure what would happen to the orphaned attachments if you deleted the posts that way. Tom