Creative Brief | |
What is a Creative Brief | |
Creative Brief is standard lingo in the field of marketing communications for the template that defines the top level goals, objectives, directions and approaches for any promotional and communications activities, including designing of flyers, promotional materials, writing of pitches, etc... (all these are "creative" activities hence the name "Creative Brief". |
Project: | |
It has been many years since Tiki has gone through a branding exercise, since 2010 to be precise. The results of that original branding exercise resulted in which contains guidelines for the present. There are a lot of things in those guidelines that are in no urgent need to be changed. In particular, the visual identity still works really well in different contexts. The main brand "Tiki" itself is perfectly fine and is a registered trademark. However, two aspects of the branding have been identified by current community leaders as problematic: The full name of Tiki (Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware) is too long, conveys too many ideas, and for various reasons the word Groupware is not effective at communicating what Tiki is. Hence, it has been proposed to drop the word "Groupware" from the name. The current taglines that have been used in various Tiki communications ( are based on the message that "Tiki is an extremely powerful system that can do everything". However, it is now recognized that saying that "Tiki can do everything" can in fact amount to saying nothing. There is also better recognition of who is our key target audience. We would like to resolve this before developing new marketing materials |
Target Audience - Who are we talking to? (Target Audience) | |
Primary | |
People who provide web-based solutions using Tiki to paying end-customers. These could be large companies, small businesses or independent consultants. Although in principle their size does not matter, we ought to at first be targeting independent consultants and smaller companies (2 - 50 people) as larger companies are likely to request enterprise system capabilities which involve much more. Tiki community's growth strategy is to increase the number of people who hire developers and other skilled people to work on projects that use Tiki, thus contributing to its ongoing maintenance and improvement. Skilled and motivated people are needed to bridge the gap between Tiki out-of-the-box and the final product that is delivered, and these typically are service providers to paying customers.
Secondary | |
Depending on the company, IT employees may or may not have the time/budget to contribute directly to the Tiki community in ways other than simply using the software. But some of them do. Hobbyists, volunteers at non-profits, small business owners who implement Tiki solutions for their own use. Some of them can end up being dedicated contributors in the community. On the other hand, these individuals (especially the more technically skilled ones who are the ones we want to attract) are less impacted by marketing but instead tend to do a pretty thorough first-hand job of evaluating what they want to use anyway. |
Current perception - What do they believe? | |
Primary | |
But, in my best interest, I want to recommend a solution that has all the features that they need - on one platform, so it is totally scalable and can grow with them. Having an expandable solution will help me to suggest improvement I can bill so my business is not based on "one shot" strategy. I want to be the hero when my recommendation makes it easy to add on and update the features that they need.
Most of my clients are not particularly interested in knowing each and every feature that comes “in the box”. They just want to know that they will have what they need - when they need it. If I were to sum up their desires in a CMS platform, it would be:
In their words it would be “No pain and no sticker shock.” If I were to sum up my desires in a CMS platform, it would be:
And the same assurances are important to me as a consultant. After all, it’s my reputation on the line here.” |
Secondary: | |
Customers of Consultants
IT employees within companies
For me, I need to be assured that whatever this is, it’s not only easy for me to use - but all the people who work here as well. If it isn’t straight forward, all my time will be spent helping people figure out how to use it.
Comment from bsfez:Among other very powerful arguments:
I want to know that adding features is easy for me to do or may require light external support.
Hopefully, this will be an easy-to-use, easy-to-configure and easy-to-upgrade solution. I want it to make me look good and to be the IT hero in the company.” Enthusiasm hobbyist/vonlunteers Webmasters within organisations non-profits, small business owners who implement Tiki solutions for their own use. “I love being able to share what I do over the internet with people who share my passion". I have reached a cross-roads on my journey where I need more than what I used to handle (wordpress or hosted blog), to trade up to a CMS tool that will be easy to use, and can grow with me as I look to increase my audience and look to collaborate with like-minded folks out there. I hope for an easy transition and also for a user community to help me with this new tool. I know there are lots of platforms to choose, some that I am a bit familiar with, and many that I don’t know. I keep hearing about Open Source and that seems to be the way to go. Word is that some solutions are very restrictive and require 3rd party add-on features. There’s a lot of sticker shock out there to when people go to expand. I sure don’t want that. Let’s face it, a year ago, I wouldn’t have thought I would be at this point, so who knows where I will be a year from now? How can I anticipate what my needs will be by then? I want to choose one platform that will provide me all the features and functions that I need - the last thing I need is to juggle multiple platforms. I want it drop dead easy to add stuff - and to do upgrades. Another thing on my “want list” is a welcoming online community who can guide me on my journey. I know that being able to share experiences and get support and advice from someone who has “been there” is an incredibly valuable asset - and will feature BIG in my decision. There are so many reasons I want to make sure I make a choice that is right for me. But mostly, I don’t want to spend all my time wrestling my solution - I want a solution that frees me up to follow my passion and supports me all the way.” |
Desired Perception - What do we want them to believe? | |
Primary | |
See Consultants Survey 2016 for more details.
Secondary | |
What's the one thing we can say to get them there - the Selling Idea | |
Why should they believe it - | |
Tiki is more centralized. Tiki is the all-in-one model while Drupal (like Joomla!) is the small-core-and-add-what-you-need model.
How best would you describe the desired positioning of the community? | |
What are the brand identity requirements for the community? | |
Logo/Word Mark | |
But there is a need for a more expanded visual that would be used, for example, in marketing materials, banners, etc, that would incorporate the "diamond" logo itself. During the roundtable meeting of 19 May 2016 we agreed on going that direction:
Pretty much everyone we spoke to liked the cube because:
Unless there is a better alternative proposed, we felt that the cube was the direction we ought to pursue. Comments from Synergiq branding team:
Comment from bsfez: During our roundtable meeting it was said that having we’ll explore the following: single colour for the cube, having each block or icons inside each block with different colors and yes having it moving would be just great ! 😉 ( |
Name | |
During the roundtable meeting of 19 May 2016 we recommend to use the name of:
Comment from Synergiq branding team: We think first of all that shortening the name to "Tiki" is a good idea. Wiki is too generic. Tiki is already what people are calling it, so we don't really see a downside. Those who don't know it yet will get to know it as Tiki. As for the search issue, in the category, for example, Drupal and Joomla don't describe themselves - though in the search results, they do say CMS or web platform. So it's just a matter of making sure a proper description is provided to the search engines. |
Tagline (proposals) | |
Please see Tagline Shortlist for a shortlist built from this proposed list. Toolbox of Integrated Knowledge Infrastructure
It has been noted that Drupal has an "action oriented" tagline "Build something amazing". Might be worth exploring taglines that are verb oriented rather than noun oriented, without losing the essential communication of what Tiki can do (but note that Drupal is at a different marketing stage than Tiki - Drupal is more well-known and everyone already knows what it does and so there is less to communicate in that respect). |
Additional Requirements | |
Testimonials and quotes | |
We need to go out and collect these, and record quotes, interviews. |
New promo sheets | |
Replacements for Promo Sheet targeted at the Primary target audience and also separate ones targeted at the Secondary target audiences. The secondary target audience includes customers of the Consultants so it would be important to provide enough material that Consultants can use to communicate a consistent and effective message to convince that group. |
Banner/Flyer type design | |
To be used for brochures, flyers, banner - short succinct message, compared to Promo sheets above. |
Case studies | |
Something more substantial than Featured Tikis. Actually case studies explaining the value proposition, how it helped - targeted at the Primary and Secondary target audiences. |
Website improvements | |
Text to reflect new messaging. Other aspects to be improved as well. |
What are the language requirements? | |
English - translatable to many different languages |
Are there any mandatories, exclusions or considerations? | |