I have some views about this and that is to make it accessable to the general office user with simple kiss interfaces and these will be task specific. This is based on my mum using it who was a bit techophobic but now reaching the golden age of 5? can still find a customer reord with the olde DOS tap it up and down. Does not understand a mouse as its a rodent. Yep good olde up down left right buttons, tap up and down and left n right 😉 Within any small and rapidly growing/olding legacy organisation using the internet then big things can go on, in a small enviroment However to start this exersice one has reduce onself to::
Interface Concepts
new officce user ...... Computer wakes up and Browser says
From here>>
Holiday Arrangments
Its semtbmer is coming and the factory has 2 run 2 the beach and take a 3 week break Please everyone mark what they want OFF specifically or all the rest of u out it in as tentavitve aslo possible.. GUI
Make it more touch screen rather than mouse and interface...
login Box
Now thats the first one I wanna hit on the head is that of having a selection box with said name there. People dont want to tap in their name, their in the list.. Its the team init! Some ecma would handy as well as some divs for the complete idiots and imbasiles So we give complete confidence.. and on the first day u can have a good sniff around the tk and be part of it and that is the magic of it.. kiss me At the top will be the company logo... the photo of the day and the date and time.. A simple log on interface... I like it...
Dump VB
This is my issue. Do I go and write an application in vb for the client side or can the tikiwiki be stable snough in the harsh land of crm. Most of this means validation and lookups.. Having and index with client side array... smells of imframes to me.. Also a bit of tikiwiki_svg.. The new graphic module now embeded in mozillaa |