Tiki 18 LTS | |
Flash | |
AdoDB | |
AdoDB support is deprecated. Remove before branching 28.x.
From mods to add-ons to packages | |
Development process | |
The server for Git and SVN combined workflow will be retired
How Git changed our process | |
This is our 4th version control setup (cvs -> svn- -> svn-Allura -> GitLab)
3 rules
"Wiki Way to software development" has evolved.
Community chat | |
IRC -> WikiSuite.chat experiment (XMPP) -> Gitter -> Gitter/Matrix
Close other sites | |
Profiles | |
https://profiles.tiki.org/ was launched in 2009 as part of Tiki3. We never decided on a lifecycle so data has been growing for years. Next steps:
Jean-Marc and Marc | |
To review all of Hetzner composer.tiki.org
Upcoming | |