Creating and editing blocks | |
In this screen you can see a list of dynamic blocks, to create a block you just need to provide a description, for example create the quote of the moment block: insert graphic Once created you will see the block in the listing: insert graphic From the listing you can remove the block (all content if present will be removed as well), you can edit the block description (Edit desc) or you can program some content for the block. Let's click on program to add some content: |
Creating and editing content for a block | |
In this screen you will see a listing of all the programmed content for the block and you will be able to edit a content, create a new one remove content etc. Enter some quote using the default date (will be the current date) insert graphic So you have some content for the block 2 . It s very important to note the block number that you are editing at the top of the page. |
Displaying DCS blocks | |
{content id=1} Note: the ids may be different in your installation Where the id is the id of the block (not the id of the block content!!). Now let's see how we can use the content in a user block. Edit a user module as follows: insert graphic And assign it to the right sidebar. insert graphic You wil now see the user module displaying the content you just entered in the DCS! insert graphic |
Programming content | |
insert graphic The listing will show in a dark shadow the current content active for the block and in a lighter color the rows for future content or old content. As you can see we have a block displaying The new quote that will be displayed at 13:41. Now just wait until that time and refresh the screen, the user block on the right side bar will change! insert graphic This is how the DCS works, remember that you can display a dynamic block in any Tiki template not just user modules so you can design your site or design new pages for your Tiki-powered site including editable/dynamic/programmable blocks wherever you want. You can use the DCS for whatever you want, you may want to display news, announcements, special notifications for special dates, sports results, messages to your site users, special offers, promotions, adds, etc. The DCS system offers a lot of flexibility to your Tiki powered site, use it as you want and enjoy the results. For more information