

Tiki sections and features

Wiki - WikiDocBlogs - BlogDoc
Image Galleries - ImageGalleryDocFile Galleries - FileGalleryDoc
Articles (aka CMS) - ArticleDocSubmissions of articles
FAQs - FaqDocForums - ForumDoc
Chat - ChatDocShoutbox - ShoutboxDoc
Directory of links - DirectoryDocTrackers - TrackerDoc
Newsreader - NewsreaderDocWebmail - WebmailDoc
Polls - PollDocSurveys - SurveyDoc
Quizzes - QuizzesDocEphemerides - EphemeridesDoc
Featured links - FeaturedLinksDocSearch - SearchDoc
Banner ads - BannersDocFull Text Search - FullTextSearch
Games - GamesDocSearch stats - SearchStats
Newsletters - NewslettersDocLive support system - LiveSupportDoc
HTML pages - HtmlAndDynamicPagesDocWorkflow engine - GalaxiaWorkflowDoc
Mini Calendar - MiniCalendarCategories - CategoryDoc
Calendar - CalendarDocShow Category Path
Show Category Objects

Content Features


Hotwords If enabled, Wiki pages are parsed and some words are automatically converted to HTML links. E.g., TVCrit becomes http://www.TVCrit.com. Admins can edit these words from the Admin Hotwords screen.
Hotwords in New WindowsWhen enabled clicking a Hotword bring the target page in a new window instead of changing the current page.
Custom HomeIf enabled, a customized page will serve as the home page for the Tiki.
DrawingsEnables JGraphPad drawing tool.
ChartsEnables charts for featured links.
Edit templates Dynamic template editing from within Tiki. Permits the rearrangement of Tiki's headers, footers, and columns.
Edit CSS Dynamic CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) editing from within Tiki. Permits the changing of Tiki's style (fonts, colors, etc.)
Dynamic Content System Edit blocks of text or HTML code that can be included in any template or user module.
Allow Smileys Permit emoticons in forum/blog posts, Wiki pages, etc.

Administration Features


Banning system Ban unruly users.
Stats Site statistics.
PHPOpenTracker A logging engine that logs each request to a website into a database. Not implemented
Referer stats Tracks which sites have referred users to your site.
Theme control Admin can make sections, categories or individual objects use different themes.
Debugger Console Analyze the operation of your Tiki.
Communications (send/receive objects) Users may exchange Tiki objects with each other and admin.
XMLRPC API The Blogger XMLRPC API, which allows Blogger-compatible applications to manage Tiki blogs. Note that the API is carefully implemented to respect Tiki permissions so it is NOT a security compromise to enable this feature. It is as safe as the rest of the site.
Contact Us Contact-us feature includes a contact form and an email link that is coded to defeat spammers.

User Features


Those settings apply only to registered users.
User Preferences ScreenA screen where users can set up their preferences--for example, their themes.
User BookmarksUsers get a personal hyperlink directory.
User WatchesUsers can configure the blogs, forums, Wiki pages, etc. that they are monitoring ("watching").
User TasksUsers get a to-do lists.
User FilesAllows users to upload personal files.
Users can Configure ModulesUsers with the right permissions can configure modules to their needs.
User MenuUsers can create their own menus of Tiki objects.
User MessagesUsers can send personal messages between them.
User NotepadUsers can create personal notes.

General Layout options


This part of the features section can be used to control the look and feel (layout) of your Tiki site. Basically, you can enable/disable the columns, the top bar (where the Tiki version is indicated) and the footer. If you want a 1-column layout without changing anything in the code, this is the way to go.

Some users ask if there's a need to display the copyright message for Tiki. The answer is a clear NO. You can use Tiki for whatever you want and you can customize it to look exactly as you want.

Note that you may want to enable the Layout per section option. When this is enabled the page layout can be indivdually configured for different Tiki sections. For example, you may want to remove the right column only in the forums. If so, enable the layout per section option and use the admin layout screen to select individual layouts for sections. (Access the admin layout screen by clicking the Admin layout per section link.)

Layout-per-section Options

You can select an individual layout for the following sections:


Remember to click the Update button when you've made changes.



Created by: Last Modification: Tuesday 01 March 2005 14:58:39 GMT-0000 by Michael Davey
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