From the group administration screen click on assign_perms for a particular group and you will see a screen divided in two parts. The first one shows information about the group and assigned permissions while the second part can be used to manage permissions per category. We ll explain each part next.
In this section you can see information for the group that you selected as name, description and permissions assigned.
Then you can create a new permission level and you can if you want assign all the permissions in some level to the group. Or remove all the permissions in some level from this group. As you can see permissions are organized in levels. By default Tiki comes with four prearranged levels that you can modify as you want:
- Basic: permisions for anonymous users, basic site usage
- Registered: permissions for logged users
- Editor: Permissions to site editors can manipulate content.
- Admin: Permissions for admins only. Can be dangerous if missused
In the second part of the screen you can assign permissions and change levels.
The top section is used to select a permission category, for example games, forums, faqs,etc. All can be used to see all the permissions at once (the screen will be VERY long). For each category for which permissions will be displayed the checkboxes indicate if the permission is assigned to the group or not. You can assign/remove permissions using the checkboxes; you can also change the level of any permission using the dropdown. In this way you can re-classify the permissions as you need and then easily assign all level-x permissions to a group whenever you want.
When a user belongs to more than one group the permissions are accumulated.