

First UK Tiki meet has happened! 23-27th July '04 in London

A bit of a last minute invitation by a group of Tiki users but the weekend was a excellent chance to push Tiki forward and meet up with mose! - Damian
You can see photos of the Fest here on uk.tiki.org for those that wanted to join in with a UK fest not to worry! We will be arranging another one (with better notice and advertisement) in a handful of months time at my place in Cheshire. Everyone is welcome! (wire and wireless network available 😉)

Drop your name and a rough location on this page if you interested 😀 in a UK Gathering!

Not sure on a venue, or time yet, just checking the UK interest 😉

Perhaps somewhere centeral like Birmingham may be a good venue


Damian - M6 J18, Cheshire. Pop in anytime your passing 😉
PeterM - Bridgend, S Wales.
Phylip - Ammnford, SW Wales.
James Dear - London
Mike Hough UserPagemikehough (Located in Norfolk but can travel)
David Newman, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Depends on Location

sdl - Leeds (after September 20th, as am getting married soon 😬)
RussWilde - South Wales (dates / location)
mose is not far in paris depending location, and always happy to travel and meet peeps (but uncertain about dates)
l8 - Cardiff, S Wales.
ewan - Newcastle (until 31-May)/Glasgow (depends on date / location)
martinmanyhats - Banbury (depends on date / location)
mjones - neath south wales
flimflam - London (depends on date / location)

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:32:56 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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