Calling all Tiki people! | |
Second ("Better late, than never!") London'09 Mini-TikiFest UK event starts on Saturday, 25th 10:00 am UK time. | |
What is a Tikifest | |
It's a tradition in the TikiWiki community. TikiFest happens when there is a meeting between at least 2 TikiWiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity to chat with people in person, get some laptops out and code wildly in group sessions and/or discuss about wiki technology and culture while drinking some adult beverages (ok, it means mostly having a beer in a pub after hard day work/brainstorming), etc. depending the mood and context. It is great for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff. A mini-TikiFest is smaller than a TikiFest.
WHEN | |
Pre-Tikifest evening 24th April 2009 | |
A Pre-TikiFest evening has been arranged. It will be fun:
If you want to join us for this evening please let me know before Wednesday 22nd. All of those staying at Matthew's house have already got tickets. |
Main TikiFest day is 25th April 2009. | |
Start 10am. Finish in the pub. It is going to be held at Matthew's apartment.
Marketing workshop 26th April 2009 | |
Following the main day, on the 26th there will be a Design and Marketing Workshop. The aim will be to push forward on the new logo and branding. All are welcome to attend. However, this is defiantly not a technical meeting.
Accommodation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Central London,at Matthew's apartment (which has a fridge for beer, please bring supplies!) |
Please Self Organize edit sub-events and sessions and ideas bellow.
Sessions/Events | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some notes about what has been discussed:
Who is attending | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please add your name here (but only if you plan to attend!)
Logistics | |
[+] |
We Need | |
We have | |
Related links | |
Presentation | |
{FLASH(movie=>"", width="425", height="355", quality=>high)}{FLASH}
Pictures | |
Live | ||||||||||||||||
Video from the TikiFest Tip: click [+] to expand hidden stuff
If you want to join in remotly | |
We realy want to see you even if you can not make. Please Skype matthew and we will keep you in contact and join you in to the conference when we are TikiFesting. Login to get Skype ID
Presentation files from the TikiFest | |