

Dates and locations

October 11-16 2012

First part: October 11-13 2012

The TikiFest takes place not too fare from the Open World Forum 2012. It's a free conference about Open Source, however you must subscribe. We will meet there and find a proper place to word together.

Second part: October 14-16 2012

Then, we re-group elsewhere. We need proper internet connection so that we can connect via BBB to hold webinars.

Note: The internet connection requires land lines that accepts 4-8 mbps

Themes and subjects

  • Migration (upgrades) of Tiki from v. 1.x to Tiki v. 9
  • Communication comittee meets to discuss marketing (short and long term objectives)
  • DoIn. A *DoIn* is a concept where elders help members! Submit your use case for discussion and advices will be provided. ** Ex. #1: Your old site needs an upgrade: How do you go about it?
    • Ex. #2: You have a tiki site that is buggy. How to make use of the Tiki Community to get help. Barter, etc.
  • Other subjects here

Are invited

For the webinars, here is the list of guests invited

  • Place your name here if you wish to present your Tiki project
  • Marc Laporte to speak about Real-Time Communications
  • You


Possibly, in Paris, a Tiki House where more than x number of participants share the costs


October 11-13

NamePresent (physically or virtually)DatesSubjects of interestsI live in:
DanielPhysically11-12-13 oct.Communication committee & marketingMontréal
Jean Marc Libs aka JyhemPhysiquement ou virtuellement?11-12-13 to be determined to be determined
Marc Laportevirtuellement11-12-13 to be determined to be determined
Vousphysically or virtually?
to be determined to be determined

October 14-16:
NamePresent (physically or virtually)DatesSubjects of interestsI live in:
DanielPhysically11-12-13 oct.Communication committee & marketingMontréal
Jean Marc Libs aka JyhemPhysiquement ou virtuellement?11-12-13 to be determined to be determined
Marc Laportevirtuellement11-12-13 to be determined to be determined
Vousphysically or virtually?
to be determined to be determined


Add your name here

Interresting links



Created by: Last Modification: Wednesday 10 July 2013 02:00:21 GMT-0000 by Torsten Fabricius
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