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Tiki Install

TikiWiki install guide 9.1-RC3 in an Ensym hosting environment

Hi all,

This Wikipage is a sequel to the excellent page from paulap01

My hostingprovider uses Ensym-hosting, which in some cases is no ride on the rollercoaster 😂
For example in the php.ini it says: safe-mode is Off but TikiCMS and other CMS systems (like mambo and postnuke) give some problem installing because the system 'seems to be' in safe-mode, but its not.

To make a long story short (and thats what u wan't i guess) here's the tutorial on how to install TikiCMS
on an Ensym-hosting environment.


Step 1
Be patient. Installing TikiCMS is easy but not when ur in a hurry 😎

Step 2

I describe step by step the actions I do to install 1.9 RC3

1. I download the latest 1.9 release.

2. I uploaded the package to my hostingprovider

3. I unpacked the package in the defaultdirectory/

4. my host runs apache, php, mysql and the ensim (WEBppliance Pro 3.5.20-9) hosting manager

5. in php.ini i changed the following:
open_basedir (no value)
safe_mode (on)

6. I logged on to my ftp-account and set 777 permissions to:

backups db dump img/wiki img/wiki_up modules/cache temp temp/cache templates_c var var/log var/log/irc templates styles lib/Galaxia/processes

NOTE: the directories (var var/log var/log/irc temp/cache) are not initialy created
I create the directories manualy and set permissions.

7. Then I load http://www.mydomain.com/tiki-install.php and get following error page (only the first lines are listed here, the rest is uninteresting):


The mailin-feature is one of the features i truely love 😊

whats this mailin-feature ?

  • add wiki-pages
  • update wiki-pages
  • retreive wiki-pages

all by using your favorite emailclient !!

why i use this feature ?

I have a monitoringapplication which guards primary businessprocesses. If there is a problem i receive a SMS or email. Sometimes other people also need to receive those alerts. Sure i can add them to the reveiverslist but wouldn't it be nice to have them look at a website which shows all the alerts for the past xxxx days / months and add comments to them online ?

Another reason why i use the mailin-feature is this:
i get many emails from people sending me urls i should have a look at. So what i did before i used the mailin is send myself an email at home with the reminder to 'have a look' at that url. Now i keep sending myself that email but with a cc to the emailadres i use for the mailin-feature. The url gets post to a wiki-page and so i keep all the 'have a look' sites together on one page which i can access or even download (by using the GET command).

I will be adding some examples for more details but for me this feature rocks 😎

Created by: Last Modification: Sunday 22 May 2005 20:24:05 GMT-0000 by MarKel
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