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Tikiwiki on SuSE-based Linux Systems

This section is a start for a Page "Installing tikiwiki on SuSE-based Linux Systems".

Anon Checkout on sf.net

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#!/bin/bash # far from being usable PN=${0##*/} export CVSROOT=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tikiwiki" BASE=`pwd` LOGDIR=${BASE}/logs tikiversions="1.10:tikiwiki 1.9:BRANCH-1-9" cvsmode=${1:-update} cvsclean() { find . -type d -name "CVS" -exec rm -rf {} > /dev/null 2>&1 \; find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; > ${LOGDIR}/md5sums.${jav%%*:} } bckold() { local jav local iav printf "%s\n" "Backup old Data ..." [ ! -d old ] && mkdir old for iav in ${tikiversions} ; do jav=${iav%%:*} if [ -d ${jav} ]; then if [ "${removedirs}" = "yes" ]; then tar cf - ${jav} | ( cd old ; tar xf - ) rm -rf ${jav} mkdir ${jav} fi else [ "${removedirs}" = "no" ] && cvsmode=co mkdir ${BASE}/${jav} fi done } cvslogin() { cvs login rc=$? return $rc } checkout() { local a=${1:-`pwd`} local jav printf "%s\n" "Checkout" for jav in ${tikiversions} ; do printf "%s\n" "Checkout ${jav%%:*}" cd ${BASE}/${jav%%:*} echo ${jav##*:} | grep -i BRANCH >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cvsmode="${cvsmode} -r" fi cvs -z3 ${cvsmode} ${jav##*:} tikiwiki > ${LOGDIR}/logfile.${jav%%:*} [ $? -eq 0 ] && cvsclean done } #main() [ "${cvsmode}" = "update" ] && removedirs=no || removedirs=yes bckold cvslogin checkout ${BASE}

spec.file for tikiwiki 1.9.x on SuSE-based Linux Systems

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# tikiwiki.spec # version: 0.0.1 %define is_suse %([ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ) %if %{is_suse} == 1 %define SUSEVER %(awk ' /^VERSION/ { sub(/\./,""); print $NF } ' /etc/SuSE-release ) %endif %if %{SUSEVER} < 30 %define is_sles 1 %define _mydist sles%{SUSEVER} %else %define is_sles 0 %define _mydist suse%{SUSEVER} %endif %define name tikiwiki %define sname tiki %define version 1.9.2 %define release 22%{_mydist} %define webroot /srv/www %define wwwowner wwwrun %define wwwgroup www %define usesetupsh 0 Summary: A PHP based CMS/Groupware with a full WIKI environment Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Source: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz License: LGPL Packager: Frank Hollmann Group: Applications/Internet URL: http://www.tiki.org Requires: webserver php mysql php-mysql BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root Provides: tikiwiki %description Tikiwiki is an opensource (LGPL), php-based, CMS/Groupware web application with a full wiki environment. %prep %setup -q %build %install install -d -m0750 -o root -g root -p %{buildroot}%{webroot} install -d -m0750 -o root -g root -p %{buildroot}%{webroot}/%{sname}-%{version} # cleanup cvs tree find . -type d -name *CVS* | xargs -- rm -rf >/dev/null 2>&1 find . -name ".cvsignore" -exec rm -f {} \; rm -rf templates_c/* rm -f modules/cache/*.cache # copy the files tar cf - . | ( cd %{buildroot}/%{webroot}/%{sname}-%{version} ; tar xf - ) %clean if [ -n %{buildroot} -a ! %{buildroot} = "/" ]; then rm -rf %{buildroot} fi %pre # for SuSE only. %if %{is_suse} == 0 printf "%s\n" "This is a package for SuSE Distributions. Sorry for the unconveniance" exit 1 %endif %post cd %{webroot}/%{sname}-%{version} if [ %{usesetupsh} -eq 0 ]; then if [ -f fixperms.sh ]; then sh ./fixperms.sh fix %{wwwowner} %{wwwgroup} fi else if [ -f setup.sh ]; then chmod 700 setup.sh sh ./setup.sh %{wwwowner} %{wwwgroup} fi fi %preun rm -rf templates_c/* rm -f modules/cache/*.cache %files %defattr(-, %{wwwowner}, %{wwwgroup}) %doc README INSTALL fixperms.sh setup.sh %{webroot}/%{sname}-%{version}/* %changelog * Tue Oct 04 2005 Frank Hollmann 1.9.2-1 - cvs tree used - first package for SUSE

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 16:55:39 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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