Banners and Script Tags | |
TW's banner functionality is such that you don't have to do any coding, which is nice. I wrote my own simple ad rotator in php. |
Hello! | |
I installed Tiki on my personal website, which is a Linux server, starting in July 2003. I immediately became a Tiki advocate. |
My TW Sites | |
TW Editing Kickstart | |
TW Installation | |
TW Usage | |
TW Nits | |
RSS feeds could be even more useful if they were better implemented. When attachments or comments are altered, nothing appears in the feed, nor does it appear in the calendar. Boo! What? I think it's odd that __ is used for bold and === is used for underlining. First of all, an underscore *is* an underline, so these formats are reversed. Secondly, I have to type two _'s and three ='s. So much for ease of use. My users typically just use HTML because in many cases it's easier.
I have high expectations for free software and I personally implore all you Tiki developers to stop working for free! 😀 You're making us Java/C#/C++ programmers look bad. |
MySql Database Corruption | |
Stupid Tiki Tricks | |
ActiveDirectory Integration | |
I'd like to authenticate using Microsoft's Active Directory. Any ideas how to do this?
Disabling CSRF (sea surfing) Detection | |
Date format in calendar | |
Allowing users who don't have global tiki_p_view to edit certain Wiki pages | |
with if (0) { // $tiki_p_view != 'y' |
Large File Upload (galleries, attachments) | |