- Creating private tasks (since v.1.8)
- Marking tasks with as status a priority and persentage (since v.1.8)
- Marting tasks as complited (since v.1.8)
- Creating tasks for other users
- Having a accepting system between task creater and task user (task user := who received the task)
- Message if a shared task has changed
- A history of the changes
- Make a task public for a group, also with a extra module
- Having right to send a tasks, receive, and admin tasks
- Marking tasks as deleted
- Only the creator can remove a task from the db, or he gave spazial rights to the task user
- task description wikiparsed
- Futures for the next version
- sending tasks to different users (table tiki_user_tasks_cc allready exists)
- project admin can send tasks to all of his groups
- reminder bevor deadline
- Who is working on what? (Priorities/goals/majors issues/roles)
- sir-b currently bug fixing
- Hausi this and that (zbV) (tsu) (you don't know what it is? ask me 😉)
Who is working here generally?
What is done
- A Updated table tiki_user_tasks for the new task system in online since (sir-b 26th of Jannuary 2005)
[-]task tables Copy to clipboard #
# Table structure for table tiki_user_tasks_history
# Creation: Jul 03, 2003 at 07:42 PM
# Last update: Jan 25, 2005 by sir-b & moresun
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tiki_user_tasks_history;
CREATE TABLE tiki_user_tasks_history (
belongs_to integer(14) NOT NULL, -- the fist task in a history it has the same id as the task id
task_version integer(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- version number for the history it starts with 0
title varchar(250) NOT NULL, -- title
description text DEFAULT NULL, -- description
start integer(14) DEFAULT NULL, -- date of the starting, if it is not set than there is not starting date
end integer(14) DEFAULT NULL, -- date of the end, if it is not set than there is not dealine
lasteditor varchar(200) NOT NULL, -- lasteditor: username of last editior
lastchanges integer(14) NOT NULL, -- date of last changes
priority integer(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 3, -- priority
completed integer(14) DEFAULT NULL, -- date of the completation if it is null it is not yet completed
deleted integer(14) DEFAULT NULL, -- date of the deleteation it it is null it is not deleted
status char(1) DEFAULT NULL, -- null := waiting,
-- o := open / in progress,
-- c := completed -> (percentage = 100)
percentage int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
accepted_creator char(1) DEFAULT NULL, -- y - yes, n - no, null - waiting
accepted_user char(1) DEFAULT NULL, -- y - yes, n - no, null - waiting
PRIMARY KEY (belongs_to, task_version)
# Table structure for table tiki_user_tasks
# Creation: Jul 03, 2003 at 07:42 PM
# Last update: Jan 25, 2005 by sir-b & moresun
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tiki_user_tasks;
CREATE TABLE tiki_user_tasks (
taskId integer(14) NOT NULL auto_increment, -- task id
last_version integer(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- last version of the task starting with 0
user varchar(200) NOT NULL, -- task user
creator varchar(200) NOT NULL, -- username of creator
public_for_group varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, -- this group can also view the task, if it is null it is not public
rights_by_creator char(1) DEFAULT NULL, -- null the user can delete the task,
created integer(14) NOT NULL, -- date of the creation
UNIQUE(creator, created)
- A new rights (sir-b 26th of Jannuary 2005)
[-]new rights Copy to clipboard INSERT INTO users_permissions (permName, permDesc, level,type) VALUES ('tiki_p_tasks_send', 'Can send tasks to other users', 'registered', 'user');
INSERT INTO users_permissions (permName, permDesc, level,type) VALUES ('tiki_p_tasks_receive', 'Can receive tasks from other users', 'registered', 'user');
INSERT INTO users_permissions (permName, permDesc, level,type) VALUES ('tiki_p_tasks_admin', 'Can admin public tasks', 'admin', 'user');
- Bugs
[-] - RFEs
[-] - tech support
- patches
- Update script to update the tiki_user_tasks table from 1.8 to 1.9 with new tasks system, you need to update the database ore your task module will not show your tasks
Competition and standards
The task system should be similar to the MS-Outlook, but with less futures.
Here I would like to see some "editorial" content. How do our features compare to others?
CVS Doc section
This is where new features being developed and only in CVS are documented. When the CVS becomes RC/official release, the info in the CVS docs is transferred to update the official docs (FeatureXDoc).
Where ideas can be exchanged, debated, etc. Interested people can subscribe to the wiki page and/or to these forums as they would a mailing list.