The edit screen | |
The edit screen is large so will describe each section as follow: |
Quicklinks | |
This links can be used to add special markup at the end of the page being edited. Unfortunately there's no way to insert markup at the cursor position so look for something added at the end of the page when clicking here.
Categorization | |
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Apply template | |
Templates can be defined using the admin content templates feature. |
Description and edit | |
Footnotes | |
Footnotes are personal notes for the user about the page, footnotes are displayed only if the content is non-empty and only to the user that created the footnotes. To remove footnotes simply remove the text from the footnotes box of the page. To add footnotes just type some text. |
Comment | |
Allow HTML | |
Spellcheck | |
Import and Export Page | |
When importing versions in the imported dump will be added to the page history, old versions won't be lost. The last version in the imported dump will be made the current page version. |
Upload picture | |
Plugin Image No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.
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