
tiki.org mail server

Email redirects/forwarding

About email redirects (ex.: abc at tiki.org redirecting/forwarding to abc at example.org). More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_forwarding

A difference:
redirect: no copy of the email is kept
forward: a copy of the email is kept.

Email redirects are problematic in general. Ex.: Risk of spam amplification, some services require a reply from a specific account, dealing with bounces.

As of 2024-08, our email provider doesn't support redirects. And we do not plan to change our email provider. Thus, we have to create a full email account, and add forwards (and destination email needs to click to confirm)

@tikiwiki.org emails

  • @tikiwiki.org emails have been discontinued, so we only maintain @tiki.org
    • This was used by just a few accounts and was mostly receiving spam
    • If you used in the past and need access to it temporarily (ex.: to reset a password on an old account using this email), just ask Sammy

Created by: Last Modification: Saturday 17 August 2024 17:30:49 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte
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