More about what it means to Eat one's own dog food and C2 Dogfood

In the Tiki Community, we use Tiki's features to manage our processes and to solve our challenges. This is one of the reasons we've arrived at a phenomenal, tightly integrated and robust set of features. It's a central point of the Tiki model.

Some people could think or say that we are suffering from NIH syndrome. But that is misinformed as Tiki reuses a lot of code (Zend Framework, jQuery, etc.), so this reduces our workload. We have offloaded a lot of work to these components and avoided new work by reusing what they offer. In fact, more than half the code shipped in Tiki comes from an external library and we don't have to maintain. We just upstream fixes when we have some. Please see: Source Lines of Code.

offers a large number of interactions with services, standards, data format, etc., however, it is designed to be great as an all-in-one standalone application. Many CMS systems are not using their own application for their project documentation. That means that if you want to emulate what they do, you need to install separately a wiki and a CMS. With Tiki, you have this all-in-one. What is wrong with installing several applications?


Since July 2003, the Tiki community started eating its own DogFood, used only Tiki to manage the official site (not just a demo site). Tiki 1.7 ran through 4 release candidates and this has produced a great improvement in stability and usability.

During 2003-2004, tiki-forums.php started being used more & more and eventually, the Tiki forums at SourceForge were closed down.

In April 2005, the Tiki community started using to manage all trackers (bugs, feature requests, etc).

In May 2005, was started to speed up development & integration of the excellent HAWHAW toolkit to make Tiki useable on cell phones, PDAs, Lynx text browsers and via VoiceXML.

In 2006, Themes & workflow community sites were launched: &

In fall 2006, an internal system to get help was implemented for the documentation site: Our documentation development is full-on wikified and as good as any volunteer based open source project out there.

Mid-2007, a new informational site was launched. At the end of 2007, the Tiki calendar was put to work to plan community events

In 2007, was launched in an effort to participate in the development of a good system to manage the multilingual documentation at

Mid-2009, was launched, in conjunction with Tiki3

November 2009 (Tiki4)

  • Workspaces will be used for a more p2p organizational model for the community, with Organic Groups, etc.
  • Kaltura will be used for Tiki video site.
  • sites were upgraded to Tiki4 before the release to help with testing

June 2010 (Tiki5)

  • BigBlueButton Audio/Video/Screensharing/Chat for
  • * sites were upgraded to Tiki5 before the release to help with testing

September 2010 (Tiki6)

  • * sites were upgraded to Tiki6 before the release to help with testing

May 2011 (Tiki7)

  • * sites were upgraded to Tiki7 before the release to help with testing

October 2011 (Tiki8)

  • * sites will be upgraded to Tiki8 before the release to help with testing
    • New enhancements to OpenStreetMap integration will be very nice.

December 2011

May 2012

2012 and beyond: WikiSuite will be used to further improve community collaboration.

February 2018: Creation of a new Dogfood Team that will specifically focus on making sure * sites are configured and running Tiki optimally.

On the wishlist: DogFood

