This is my tw 1.8 installation diary

I describe step by step the actions I do to install tw 1.8 on the server of my provider.

1. I download the latest 1.8 tw ( / 7.817.930 Bytes) from 2004-02-07 15:00 via Opera 7.23 download manager.

2. I expand the zip archive local to c:\tikiwiki\ (on a win XP box)

3. I upload all files via ws_ftp 8 to the main directory of my web space. The path is /www/webs/myaccountroot/docs/

4. I found a linux box with php 4.3.4, mysql 3.23.56 and apache 1.3.29.

5. PHP configuration (please insert other necessary parameters)
open_basedir (no value)
safe_mode (on)

6. I logged on to my ftp-account via ws_ftp 8 and set 777 permissions to:

backups db dump img/wiki img/wiki_up modules/cache temp temp/cache templates_c var var/log var/log/irc templates styles lib/Galaxia/processes

NOTE: the directories (var var/log var/log/irc temp/cache) are not initialy created
I create the directories per ws_ftp manualy and set permissions.

I do this with the right-click menu of ws_ftp (properties). where i can set exactly the permissions (per number or check-box).

7. Then I load and get following error page (only the first lines are listed here, the rest is uninteresting):

Tiki Installer cannot proceed:

The directory '/tmp' does not exist or PHP is not allowed to access it (check open_basedir entry in php.ini).
You may either create missing directories and chmod directories manually to 777, or run one of the sets of commands below.

Execute the Tiki installer again after you run the commands below.

8. Now i create tmp directories in the user account root and the web root and set the permissions to 777.

9. Edit the Smarty/Smarty.class.php file:
var $use_sub_dirs = false; (set it to false)

Add these lines to tiki-install.php, tiki-setup.php, topic_image.php, tiki-download_file.php and show_image.php just after the first line:


IMPORTANT: I am changed tiki-install.php too (there's no docs out there)

IMPORTANT: Without trailing slash!!!

Than i get a blank page instead of the error message from above.

10. Now I set the permission of all tmp, temps again to 777. And for template_c again too.

MAGIC: I could setup tikiwiki without problems!!!

11. I logged on and get this message from lib/search/refresh.php on line 44 at the bottom of the page. I changed in refesh.php the directory path to an absolute path:

fwrite($fpd,"f_gal on\n");fclose($fpd);

11. It work's. Cooollll....!!!!
