Plugin to show the number of comments of a page

This is a tiny plugin :


The main goal of the plugin is to show the number of comments on a wiki page or an article . So you can point to a wiki page and after it put the comments it have .

For example :

Wiki Page (4 comments)


Copy 'wikiplugin_comments.php' to TIKI_INSTALL/lib/wiki-plugins/
and start to use:
On a page insert the next code :

{COMMENTS(pagetype=>Typeofpage , page=>NameofPage)}{COMMENTS}


This code:

{COMMENTS(page=>Wickle Projects and Docs , pagetype=>wiki page)}{COMMENTS}

it will produce the next :
(x comments)
where x is the number of comments on "Wickle Porjects and Docs" Page

thats all.