Table of contents
Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
Who plans to attend? (please vote for preferred times below)
People Confirmed
- @Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
- @luciash d' being ?
- @Marc Laporte
- @Jonny Bradley
- @Jean-Marc Libs
- ...
People Interested
- ...
was there?
- ...
Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 14:00:00 UTC time (click to check time zone in your location)
The time is now:
Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Saturday 04 January 2025 10:10:51 UTC
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
First hour, quick news
put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above
Second hour, longer topics
- Demo and chat about using Web Services in Tiki, with or without Trackers
- Possibly using The Open Movie Database but that only seems to let you have 10 movies at a time
- see this example here (min 61' to 73' aprox.)
- Request from @Xavier de Pedro: Something using Open Data BCN and if possible an example with shows up in a map the results fetched from some API by means of the tiki web service plugin
- see this other example here (min 73' to 81' aprox.)
- Possibly using The Open Movie Database but that only seems to let you have 10 movies at a time
- ...
put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above
Chat log
Guest: luci:Sorry, got trouble connecting audio here
Guest: luci:Had to connect via private window
Guest: luci:Hello
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Hello
Guest: luci::)
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Hi everyone!
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Hi
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Hi folks!
Guest: luci:Stripe is better than PayPal, really?
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):+1 to Tiki system trackers (to take over some profiles).
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Stripe does not suddenly lock people out of their account? 😉
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):Indeed
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):I added a quick topic:
G. ( big one
G. ( too (in europe)
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):7mn more for this topic please. 😉
Guest: Adrien:Hi all!
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Hi Adrien
Saša Janiška (gour):but if I buy from USA im EU, the tax has to be added omn the invoice, right?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):This is invoicing ! 😉
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):You still need to display the end amount it is going to cost, which includes VAT. It's not just mentioned on the invoice
Saša Janiška (gour):right
G. ( sure i understand
G. ('t stripe mollie and all taking care of that?
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):yup
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Articles
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):I totally agree with Louis-Philippe here. Dependance on a profile is bad
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):Also useful in shopping 😉
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):
William Bliss (BlissTiki):
G. (
G. (
G. (
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lol
Saša Janiška (gour):@Marc: is php-8 required for it and how is TIki preparing for PHP8?
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):???? here says7.2
Saša Janiška (gour):thanks
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):Is the special server a Rubix cube?
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):(sorry, disregard - that's a joke.)
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley)::D
Guest: luci::)
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): (search for "similar")
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):sound exciting... But I need to touch it. (too abstract for me now)
G. (
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):"abstrait"... I need to play with things to get what they do.
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Looks exciting !
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):All info here:
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):(this could warn on duplicate ?)
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):;
Mike Finko (mikeua):Anomalies are the only thing that Top Managers / Directors want to see.
G. (️
Guest: Najia Gul:Hello!
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Hello
Guest: Najia Gul:My mic isn't working for some reason
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Welcome
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):Welcome Najia!
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Date and time: On Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Location:
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Jonny ? trumpets ? ?
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Timezone:
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Slowly is actually nice for us following you 😊
G. (
G. (
G. ( you Jonny
G. ( how does it work with credit cards
G. ( you show?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):ha ha ha
G. ( enter your credit card number
G. ( to see how it works
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):42
G. (️?️?️?️?️
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):Hey, welcome Simon!
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):Catalan, more presumably 😊
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):nom barri = name of neighborhood
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I hope you will put your sample in demo pages.
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):samples
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):in the sea 😉
G. ( is powerful
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):wow
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):yep great
Mike Finko (mikeua):much more efficient!
G. (️
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):yeah will be there!
G. (
G. ( can confirm
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):What about merges with other branches?
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):Two spaces seems to be the standard for CSS.
G. (
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):Two spaces also standard for SCSS.
G. ('m good
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):can you hear me ?
G. ( min
G. ( 7.4
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):... can you read me ? ?
G. ( Windows?
G. ( to reboot
G. (️
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir)::)
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Welcome Gael and Simon!
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):if I reload it will stop the recording
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):jonny will you put your samples on doc pages ?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lol no MBP early 2013
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Package league/commonmark-extras is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use le ague/commonmark instead.
Saša Janiška (gour):yes, markdown plugimn has to be dsimplified
Saša Janiška (gour):it does not require thoe two extra extensions
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):i end recording and refresh
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):ok
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):All good for me
Marc Laporte (marclaporte):Congrats to all!
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I agree.
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):opportunities too
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):we got already terrasse listing in Barcelona ! ?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):we are on the clock... I will leave soon
G. (
Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2020 07