What is a TikiFest ?

TikiFestArgentina photos

Quienes? / Who?
Confirmados: / Confirmed:

  1. Luis Argerich
  2. Martin Sarsale (Runa)
  3. Emanuel Quintana
  4. Ernesto Ten
  5. Johann-Peter Hartmann
  6. Marc Laporte
  7. Gustavo Muslera
  8. Eduardo Polidor
  9. Natalia Golmar
  10. Garland Foster 80%
  11. Xavier Quesada Allué (Saturday)
  12. Mariana Tome
  13. Alejandro Mitrou

Add your name here! (please confirm because we need to organize the number of tables). Bring your computer, if you can't, we'll have 1-2 extra PCs. Please confirm if you need a PC.

Food & beverages kindly supplied by thinkPHP

Donde? / Where?
En la casa de Ernesto, provee una conexion de 2mb a la internes, en Moreno 1620 4-E (esquina de Solis) (Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Ernesto's lair, with very high speed connection 😁 in Buenos Aires (Capital Federal). Moreno 1620 4-E (corner Solis)

Cuando? / When?
23-24 Abril/April 2005
Exact times to be determined. Check back here for updated info
Sabado / Saturday -> 2pm till late (or all night)
Domingo / Sunday 24th -> early till late (or till not to late if we work all night)

Que? / What?

  1. Cerveza / Beer
  2. Pizza
  3. Release Tiki 1.9.0
  4. Coca Cola

The main objective of this week-end TikiFest is to release 1.9.0 in collaboration with developers all over the World on IRC.


  • Find & setup one or many webcams (Luis)
  • Setup IRC chats and webcam feeds from other devs on big screen/projector (Ernesto)
  • Bring Digicam to add nice pics to Tiki's photo gallery. (Marc & all)

page to receive webcam feed mose