Forum: Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Author: pogogames201 Posted: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:10:44 +0200 Last post: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:10:44 +0200

Forum: Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Author: Mack Posted: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 22:45:33 +0200 Last post: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 22:45:33 +0200

Forum: Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Author: gary_c Posted: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 09:42:30 +0200 Last post: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 09:42:30 +0200

Hello everyone, I can't seem to be able to access the ToastUI on my newly installed (from .tar.gz, using web installer) Tiki Wiki 27.1 - whatever I do I can only get the legacy CKEditor, which does render markdown content but is obviously not a WYSIWYG editor for it. Is there any specific combination of settings or maybe some "hidden" / advanced option that I'm missing? Thank you. (later edit) How come the spaces keep getting stripped off the title of the topic? I've tried editing again, changing the title, same thing... It's little glitches like this that have made the whole Tiki experience pretty frustrating so far :(

Hello everyone, I've noticed that, for both Tiki 24 and 27, if you go to Settings - Control Panels, whichever Control Panel you click, that Control Panel becomes the last in the list. For example, if you click Maps, the last one in the list becomes Maps; if you select Trackers, the last one becomes Trackers, and so on. But this is only visual - if you click the last Panel in the list, it would always point to Orphan Preferences (for Tiki 27; for Tiki 24 it's RTC).

Hi, Just set up a fresh 27.1 Tiki installation and when I go to Packages it says composer not installed, when I press the install composer button I get the following error message. (this has never been the case in earlier versions) Error Unable to download composer installer from https://getcomposer.org/installer Can anyone help with what is the fresh installation might be stopping my Tiki installing composer and therefore packages? Thanks in advance Joseph

Hello everyone, I found (in both 27.1 and 24.7) that even if I set the RewriteBase correctly as per the Server Fitness report, the error would still be there - apparently it's caused by tiki-check.php not taking into account leading space when looking for RewriteBase in the .htaccess file. That is, instead of doing ~pp~preg_match('/^RewriteBase\s*(.*)$/', $nextLine, $m)~/pp~ it should probably do something like ~pp~preg_match('/^\s*RewriteBase\s*(.*)$/', $nextLine, $m)~/pp~ since the line would most likely be indented under the IfModule mod_rewrite check. I tried to report that through the Make-a-wish page, but either it doesn't work right or I'm missing something - the Category field would get wiped out upon each Submit (and then obviously complain it's mandatory). Thank you.

Hello, there is a button bar in "browse freetags" that allows you to specify where you want to do the search - "All | Wiki Page | Blog Post | File Gallery.." etc But since my site has only blog posts it is of no use for my readers. I looked in options and in documentation and I found no way to turn this feature off. Am I missing something or indeed this button bar cannot be removed? Thank you!

I would like to use a country selector for new users on my registration page, but it is curently broken in 27.1 The country selector uses Select2 js library to render the country selector list. But with the new default countryselector.tpl file, the rendering is currently broken with multi-selection turned off (default). To reproduce: - Add a user registration tracker with fields 'User' and 'Country'. - In the control panel 'login' page, enable the userTracker feature to collect more information on user registrations. - In the control panel 'Admin Groups' page, edit the Registered group to add the user registration tracker, link the user field, and add the Country selector field id. Now load the tiki-register.php page. I tried fixing this in my GitLab fork, but it seems stuck on an outdated master branch and I cannot seem to get it up to date to create a new 27.x-based branch to fix this. PS: I also meant to submit this report on the dev.tiki.org/make%20a%20wish page, but ironically the mandatory Category field (which is also a multi-select dropdown from the Select2 library) kept complaining I didn't select any options. So I couldn't submit it there.

We have set up several file galleries on our Tiki site and we have a problem that the upload dropdown menu often shows the last uploaders gallery instead of the gallery owner's gallery. I tested clearing the cache and then it shows the uploaders gallery. Has anyone come across this cacheing problem in file galleries and can offer a solution.

Hello everybody, I recently installed version 27.0 and am trying to apply changes to the permission structure. Having made my changes, when hitting the apply button nothing happens. Permissions are not applied. Coincidentally, I went to the documentation site to see the parameters for the image plugin. When clicking on a TAB to get more information - nothing happens. Clicking on the NoTab button - nothing happens. Can anybody enlighten me about these problems? Are they related to version 27 or to some settings I need to verify/change. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Ulrich

Hi, when checking the loading time of tiki 21, 24, or 27, if codemirror is enabled, I see a huge codemirror.js (1.2MB) on all pages. We only use syntax highlighting on specific pages/structures that only admins (developers) can use: is there a way to load codemirror.js only for specific group/pages, and without having to switch codemirror in the admin page each time an authorized user needs it? There is a similar issue with recaptcha__en.js (550 KB): is it possible to load it only when using tiki-contact.php? thanks, -- mb

Tiki icon on top bar
With site layout set as classic bootstrap, the official tiki icon appears on the very left of the top bar, next to the site logo. How can I get rid of it?

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<title>SourceForge.net: Project Summary: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware (tikiwiki project)</title>


<description>A summary of key project details for the tikiwiki project on SourceForge.net.</description>
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<description>The world's largest Open Source software development website</description>
<title>Project name: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware</title>
<description>Project description: Powerful multilingual Wiki/CMS/Groupware to build & manage your Wiki, File Sharing/Image Gallery, CMS, Blog, Tracker/Forms, Forum, Directory, Polls, Surveys, Quizzes, Newsletters, Calendars, FAQs, Spreadsheets, Maps, Workflow, etc. - That all is Tiki !</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Developers on project: 440</title>
<description>Project administrators: &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/chibaguy/"&#62;chibaguy&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/lrargerich/"&#62;lrargerich&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/luciash/"&#62;luciash&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/marclaporte/"&#62;marclaporte&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/mose/"&#62;mose&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/nkoth/"&#62;nkoth&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/nyloth/"&#62;nyloth&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/ohertel/"&#62;ohertel&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/pkdille/"&#62;pkdille&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/redflo/"&#62;redflo&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/ricks99/"&#62;ricks99&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/sylvieg/"&#62;sylvieg&#60;/a&#62;, &#60;a href="http://sourceforge.net/users/xavidp/"&#62;xavidp&#60;/a&#62;</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=64258</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Activity percentile (last week): 99.97%</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Ranking: 71, Activity percentile: 99.97%, </description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/project/stats/?group_id=64258&ugn=tikiwiki</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Downloadable files: 784609 total downloads to date</title>
<description>Most recent daily statistics ( 9 Nov 2009): Download count: 233</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Mailing lists (public): 5</title>
<description>Public mailing lists: tikiwiki-cvs, tikiwiki-devel, tikiwiki-pt-br, tikiwiki-users, tikiwiki-artwork</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=64258</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Bugs (288 open/2021 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Bug Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506846&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Support Requests (2 open/201 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Tech Support Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506847&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Patches (71 open/184 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Patch Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506848&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>

<title>Tracker: Feature Requests (690 open/879 total)</title>
<description>Tracker description: Feature Request Tracking System</description>

<link>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=506849&group_id=64258&func=browse</link> <pubDate>Mon, 09 Nov 2009 04:04:35 GMT</pubDate>
