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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Re: Tiki6.1/2: Blank Pages / Allowed memory size of xxxx bytes exhausted (tried to allocate yyyy bytes) in /web/lib/tikidate-php5.php on line 182

posts: 1633 Canada

Not sure how this happens, but here is what I discovered:

For some unknown reason, an event was with a start date in 1901. Thus, the module "calendar_new" has a ton of calculations, which makes it time out. The module should be smarter, I agree.

Workaround is to remove calendar_new module:

This could also affect other calendar modules so remove them as well. Please note that you can easily re-instate via the admin panel after, as it is not deleted but just unassigned.

Now, any theories on the 1901? User error? bug?

Best regards,

M ;-)

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