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Architecture / Installation

Re: tiki "disappears"

posts: 215

From your earlier posts I see you have been using Tiki for a while. Are you still on Tiki 5? Or have you upgraded to a newer version?
You say "when I go to log on", does that mean the home page is blank when you first go to your site, or does it disappear when you click on the "log on" drop down on the home page, or after you have entered your username and password in the drop down and clicked "log in"?
Did you recently change your home page?

If it disappears before you enter your username and password, does this URL bring up a login page, or is it empty too?

If the page disappears after you enter your username and password, either on the home page or using the login page from the link above, then, assuming you did get logged in, enter the URL below on the address bar of blank page and hit enter.
Does that list your Tiki's pages? If it does, there should be an edit icon you can click on to edit the home page and remove whatever is breaking it. I recommend right clicking on the edit icon and opening the edit session in a new page.

You should log in to your bluehost cpanel control panel and look in the "Error logs" for any error messages your access attempts are generating.

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