filter_out_sefurl() undefined in wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php
I just installed the most recent TikiWiki version, which looks to be 11.0, downloaded just a couple days ago. I had some memory problems running composer to update packages, but after that was taken care of with my ISP, the install seemed to go fine. But when I first went to the TikiWiki main page, I got only the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function filter_out_sefurl() in /tiki/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php on line 848
You can see it yourself here:
Possibly relevant software versions:
FreeBSD 8.2
Apache 2.2.23
PHP 5.3.18
I searched all over the place for info on filter_out_sefurl() and saw a lot of discussion but its not obvious that anyone has seen this problem before.
Can anyone help me understand how to get around this?