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Architecture / Installation

After upgrade to 9.7 problems with language and avatars

posts: 210


After I have now overcome major obstacles in migrating from 6.12 LTS to 9.7 LTS (erronously unchecked force UTF-8), I have some minor issues still pending.

a) For some of my users the user interface is not German, but English. But they all have "Germany" set as their country... This there some other setting?

b) All users lost their avatar setting.


posts: 210

Instead of displaying an image as a mouseover, I just see naked Tiki code:

{MOUSEOVER(label="Porträt",url="http://yafgc.net/contests/cosplay/Beholder1.jpg")}{IMG(src="http://yafgc.net/contests/cosplay/Beholder1.jpg")}This Guy{MOUSEOVER}

posts: 215

The problem is with the IMG plugin. Change IMG to lowercase (img) and it will work.

{MOUSEOVER(label="Porträt",url="http://yafgc.net/contests/cosplay/Beholder1.jpg")}{img(src="http://yafgc.net/contests/cosplay/Beholder1.jpg")}This Guy{MOUSEOVER}

I tried it on some previous versions of Tiki, and IMG worked in Tiki 6 where you upgraded from. But it appears it must be in lowercase letters since Tiki 7.

posts: 210

Thanks alot!

Yes, that does the trick.

But I would consider this to be either a bug of the plugin, or if this was a deliberate decision by the programmer(s) then a bug in the database migration script...

I created this entry with the GUI tool... But since I can search for IMG I can manually convert all relevant pages. The other way round would be much, much harder to search 😊

Happy holidays

posts: 210

...but the problems with avatars and wrong language for some users persist.

Interestingly the avatar for one two users reappeared all by themselves, but not for all the other users. I suspect this could be linked to the deep trouble that the file gallery is in (see my other post for that).
