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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Social Login unable to auto create user

posts: 400

Using those same options I am not experiencing any issues. The user is created as well as the user tracker. Difficult to debug without more data regarding what's happening with your code. The key would be what's happening around lines 273 and 274 of /lib/socialnetworkslib.php, which has this code:

$access_token = $this->getFacebookAccessToken();
$fb_profile = $this->getFacebookUserProfile($access_token);

Would be good to know if the $access_token variable is getting a value and to see what the $fb_profile variable has. If you're not sure how to do that, you could insert these lines after the two lines quoted above if your site is not yet in production:


You should see a white screen with the variable values after trying to log in with Facebook. The fb_profile should have a class with the Facebook id, email, name, first name, last name. The access_token should be a very long random string of characters. If you are able to reply that info, especially what the fb_profile looks like (just the structure, not your data or tokens) that might help.

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