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Quiz:Question Format

There are lots of ways to create a test and many reasons to allow students to have more control over the question creation. Research shows that students who build their own tests:

  • create more difficult tests
  • have a better understanding of the materials
  • are better able to solve problems
  • better able to analyze problems more effectively

All of that said the mechanics of building a better test building interface remains to be done. And the first step is building a list of the types of questions best handled on the web. We have

The Vocabulary Quiz

This is by far one of the most used formats for teachers to verify that students possess a working langauge set. The creation of a vocabulary test is fairly easy though. There is a set of words and then fill in the blank answer or matching. A quiz builder interface should allow the test builder to copy paste a simple text list of terms as the options. The quiz questions should, be they a list of matching terms or fill in the blank questions should also be as easy to upload as copy paste.

Setting the right answer to the question should be in an answer mode... the quiz creator would take the quiz and set the proper answer to the question as they go. The quiz question should be broken down into one slide so that it can be viewed in isolation. This gives the quiz creator the ability to review for possible errors and potential misunderstandings quiz takers may experience.

The critical part of a quiz builder is the ability to reuse the possible answers.

Quiz: True and False Questions

Page last modified on Saturday 04 October 2003 23:21:34 GMT-0000