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Feature Wiki En admin@tiki.org
Feature Wiki Fr admin@tiki.org
Feature Wiki Fr admin@tiki.org
Feature Wiki En admin@tiki.org
tiki_i18n_demo_video_ admin@tiki.org
TikiPlugin_Image_Annotation TikiPlugin_Image_Annotation admin@tiki.org video
Bernad talks about the multilingual functionalities of Tiki. Bernard Sfez daniam bernard sfez
Steve is a 30 year veteran of the technology industry and the founder of Technology Advocates, a company established to help the average person navigate the Internet Superhighway. Steve started working with large scale computers back when nobody thought twice about seeing punchcards in use. Over his years in IT Steve consulted internationally to major corporations, worked in startups and been employed by the fortune 500 as well. In this time Steve has worked as a Unix administrator over most Unix flavors from Linux to Cray Unicose, served as a database administrator and consultant for several database brands including Oracle and Ingres, functioned as a network administrator for Novell, Token Ring, NetBIOS and TCP/IP networks, written programs in a variety of languages and am currently working for IBM as a systems architect running major system performance test labs. Steve Cichosz daniam steve cichosz, testimonial
Presentation by Steve Cichosz at TikiFest Monteal-Ottawa, April 2013. i03993 - Presentation by Steve.mov chibaguy tiki community social
ThemesComposer.m4v koth
Jean-Marc's interview about Tiki in french talking about the advantages of using the tiki wiki cms groupware. JeanMarcFR014aout11.mp4 daniam jean-marc libs, info in french about tiki
Demo of TogetherJS integration in Tiki 12.2, for realtime collaborative editing. Tiki 12x and TogetherJS marclaporte tiki12 realtime together
A CMS debate at PHPConf 2004, in French PhpConf 2004 DebatCms marclaporte spip tiki typo3 xoops zope
See: http://dev.tiki.org/item5028 Feedback on r49486 Kaltura 12x marclaporte kaltura bug
http://dev.tiki.org/item5151 Wish 5151 about CodeMirror marclaporte bug codemirror
Big Blue Button first's webinar January 19 2012

Audio transcoding of the first's webinar January 19 2012 daniam first tiki webinar archive: january 19 2012
Tiki Post TikiFestBootstrap_ActivityStream Questions.webm xavi
Tiki Social Networking Post TikiFestBootstrap_v03.webm xavi
Interview to Nelson Ko while in the TikiFestBootstrap, asking him to introduce the new features planned to come along in Tiki13. Tiki13 Post TikiFestBootstrap xavi tiki, tiki13, bootstrap, tikifest, features
example branchupdate from 12 to trunk.mov jonnybradley svn dev merge
Daniel added four new videos re: TikiFest Bootstrap meeting in Ottawa, nov 2013

Two of the same, i.e.:

.mov original version if you wish to edit it
.mp4 if you wish to publish as is. 

Saveguard these files on your local pc.  Original .mov files and .mp4 versions

Here are the paths:  

http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/BootstrapOttawaNov2013Gary2minsVersion.mov (2 mins version)

http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/BootstrapOttawaNov2013Gary2minsVersion.mp4 (2 mins version)

http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/TikiFest2013GaryInterview.mov  (6 mins version)

http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/TikiFest2013GaryInterview.mp4 ( (6 mins version)

Note:  These files, because of their sizes will be removed by december 9, 2014.  Therefore, if your interested to save these videos on your side, please do so before dec 9.

Your invited to publish these videos via your social media network to spread the news.  Feel free to upload either the short or long version unto your channels, they are made for that purpose. Bootstrap Ottawa Nov 2013 Gary 2mins Version daniam
Tiki now integrates Bootstrap in version 13 Gary about Bootstrap daniam
This is a draft.  Please comment, add, substract info and tell me basically what needs to be done so that this video interview can be presented publicly: TikiFest2013GaryInterview.mp4 First draft daniam tiki version 13, bootstrap
Quick demo of  new Realtime collaborative editing in Tiki12, thanks to Mozilla Together Tiki Together screencast marclaporte tiki together realtime
jQuery sheet 3.1 RC3 issue with fill down of formulae marclaporte