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Tiki Importer

Tiki Importer Status

United States

Good day folks, I have read some of the topics in this forum and it seems there may have been some work done on the importer to bring it up to date, but I have not seen any follow up on this.
Do we have a functioning importer with Tiki 14 yet? Is in the pipeline? Any hope of it becoming functional in the near future? It is a very important tool I feel, one that we really do need.
If there are developers out there working on this I'd be curious to know.
If we need to start a community pool of funding to kick start this effort I'd love to be involved in it and donate as well. Perhaps we could contact other interested users and solicit funding for the Tiki Importer Project.
Thanks for any help and news on this subject.

United States

Issue resolved via email chat with  Tiki Guru's.

Mediawiki support not on the near horizon.  
Thanks for the emails guys!