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Missing image in documentation page [SOLVED]

posts: 2695 United States
Copy to clipboard
{img align="center" src="img/wiki_up/tracker-dropdown1.png" }

I removed the align="center" and voila the img appeared.

  • I don't see a way to delete this post.
    • I'm sending this post to the Developers List. Sorry for the duplicate

For page

This is legacy HTML code that apparently no longer works in modern browsers?
Should this be documented as a bug or something?

  • At least a note on the pages about img
    • https://doc.tiki.org/Wiki-Syntax+Images
    • https://doc.tiki.org/PluginImg
posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Yes, many (if not all) images from ./img/wiki_up/ seem to have been unluckily lost in some sort of migration between servers in the past.

If you (or any user reading this, and willing to help back the Tiki Community) were so kind to help making some new screenshots of the missing ones, it would be great!


Update, hey, you are right, now that I see your updated post above. I removed the align=Center bit in another page I knew where images were not shown from that relative url, and they came back again!
Great! thanks for the tip!