Move objects between categories
- Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
- Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
- Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.
- 43 about_tiki
- 6 Archives
- 13 communication_(public)
- 23 documentation_(need_revision)
- 27 feature_(need_revision)
- 8 getting_started_(need_revision)
- 76 help_(need_revision)
- 0 hide_columns_with_objects_category
- 1 teams_(public)
- 4 Templates
- 0 Tiki Consultants Provided Services
- 1 TikiUserGroups
- 0 unclear_(need_revision)
- Orphans
Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
- BrokenTheme
- XhtmlCssValidate
- ColorSchemeGenerator
- ModulesMostWanted
- MoreNeatLayoutSchema
- CSS Colaborative Effort
- CssCleaning
- CssEditDev
- CssStylesDev
- NN4ThemeReport
- tikicon
- EditTemplatesDev
- EditTemplatesDoc
- EditTemplatesGloss
- LayoutDivOrTable
- WikiActionButtons
- WikiShortcutIcon
- ThemeControlDoc
- ThemePlanetfall
- ThemesDoc
- ThemesGloss
- Graphic_Design
- IconReview
- IconThemes
- IeCssTrouble
- SilverElegance
- Slideshows
- StyleCreation
- StylesList
- StylesTikipedia
- StylesZuka