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Community Roundtable 2015 03 12 Followup

This page is the follow-up page to Webinar Community Roundtable 2015 03 12. To listen to the recording: Click here to playback the session

At the roundtable, Tiki aspirations were contributed into a mindmap and then grouped to be more organized. The resulting mindmap is attached to this page as a SVG file. and also displayed below. It should be referred to when voting below. Things are much clearer when they are seen in the broader context. This is a follow-up page to highlight some of the main discussions and to carry out some follow-up voting on some of the ideas proposed.

Case Studies of Tiki Sites

On the topic of case studies there was general consensus about the need to have case studies of Tiki sites that highlight key strengths of the Tiki platform by:

  • Showing the power of Tiki, and the "Tikiness" of them (the differentiating aspects).
  • Communicating complicated things in a simple and clear way, as some of the most powerful use cases of Tiki can be complex, but even complicated things can be communicated simply and impressively.
  • Showcasing what sites "DO", and not just how they look.

So it is pretty much agreed that we all should volunteer to create these case studies, but it will help if there is someone who can also volunteer to help organize, edit and post these case studies on the info.tiki.org site in an organized/nice looking way. Once the case studies are on the web, it should be easy to make case study sheets to distribute at conferences from there.

There was also a suggestion to setup demo sites that highlight various features/use cases of Tiki, that can be used by users as a kind of playground.

Vote: How should demo sites be setup, if at all?

Demo sites will need to limit user generated content from a security perspective, unless they are individual sites set up and torn down for individual demo users
Accept Undecided Reject
5 0 0
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • luci
  • gezza
Demo sites should be setup and maintained as a Tiki community project
Accept Undecided Reject
0 3 1
  • koth
  • luci
  • gezza
  • jonnybradley
Demo sites can be setup by volunteers and info.tiki.org should have a list of them (it can decide to include specific cases in the list or not)
Accept Undecided Reject
6 0 0
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
  • eromneg
  • gezza
  • manivannans
I'd prefer there not be demo sites linked from info.tiki.org directly (ok if there just happens to be a link to another site that has a demo site)
Accept Undecided Reject
0 1 4
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • luci
  • gezza

Make Tiki Connect More Used

It was suggested that if Tiki Connect is more used, it would allow us to be able to better connect Tiki users with tiki.org as well as with each other. We could provide news and updates, information on case studies, tips on using Tiki, news on local events that are being organized, and so on.

Assuming that by Tiki 15, that we refine the Tiki Connect feature and we also have done work in making sure the wording is written properly, and it is pretty slick, should we make joining "Tiki Connect", i.e. to be kept informed of news etc... easier and more by default?

Vote: Should the Tiki Connect "Send me more info" be made more front and forefront in the Tiki Installer?

Joining Tiki Connect should be in the Tiki Installer (default on) when upgrading/installing with the option to turn it off
Accept Undecided Reject
4 0 0
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • gezza
Joining Tiki Connect should be in the Tiki Installer (default on) when upgrading/installing with the option to turn it off, but only if finer grained options to choose what kind of news/info to receive
Accept Undecided Reject
3 1 0
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • luci
  • koth
Joining Tiki Connect should be in the Tiki Installer (default off) when upgrading/installing with the option to turn it on
Accept Undecided Reject
0 0 3
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • gezza
Joining Tiki Connect should be in the Tiki Installer (default off) when upgrading/installing with the option to turn it on, but only if finer grained options to choose what kind of news/info to receive
Accept Undecided Reject
0 0 3
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg

Preconfigured Tiki Variants for Specific Use Cases

We also had a discussion about the idea of offering pre-configured Tiki Variants for specific use cases that are marketed and promoted separately from Tiki. The idea is that by targeting specific use cases it is easier to speak directly and to build rapport or find a connection with people who are looking for software. It will also create a wider web and SEO presence as each of the different variants have its own story and website (it does not have to be complicated and each can be a very simple two or three page site).

The following votes hope to gather more information. At this point, let us not worry about implementation details. There are voting options below about the issue of timing. For example, the Addons functionality can be one approach to package these preconfigured variants.

Vote: Should preconfigured variants focus on more complex or new use cases rather than simple common ones?

The argument is that simple cases e.g. blogging are no value-add anyway, since most people who want blogging will go for Wordpress and it will take a lot of marketing effort just to penetrate a market that is already established. If we instead be more creative, there are many untapped market to pursue.

The counter-argument is that simple use-cases are things that people already understand with no explanation needed, and the market for these are very big so even if we capture a small percentage it is a very good start.

Preconfigured variants should be focused on more complex or new use cases rather than simple common ones
Accept Undecided Reject
4 1 0
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • luci
  • gezza
  • jonnybradley

Vote: Should preconfigured variants be packaged and promoted by the Tiki community and/or left to individual community members to do through a "Made with Tiki" program?

One option is for the Tiki Community itself to package and promote preconfigured variants. But note that even if the Tiki Community itself does not package and promote preconfigured variants, it does not stop individual community members from making their own preconfigured variants branded as they wish (so long as they comply to the LGPL).

Another option (which can be in addition to the first option) is for the Tiki Community to develop a "Made with Tiki" (exact name can be decided later) program that encourages individual members to package and promote preconfigured variants. They can use the "Made with Tiki" logo as long as they meet certain criteria.

You can vote for any number of the following proposals.

The Tiki Community itself should actively package and promote preconfigured variants for specific use cases, in the timeframe of Tiki 15 or 16
Accept Undecided Reject
3 2 0
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • luci
  • jonnybradley
  • gezza
The Tiki Community should start a 'Made with Tiki' program that encourages individual members to package preconfigured variants, in the timeframe of Tiki 15 or 16
Accept Undecided Reject
3 1 1
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • gezza
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
I like the idea of the Tiki Community itself to actively package and promote preconfigured variants for specific use cases, but I think we don't have the time until maybe after Tiki 17 or 18?
Accept Undecided Reject
0 4 1
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • gezza
  • luci
I like the idea of the a 'Made with Tiki' program that encourages individual members to package preconfigured variants, but I think we don't have the time until maybe after Tiki 17 or 18?
Accept Undecided Reject
1 3 0
  • luci
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg

Types of people we should be attracting

There was a discussion around the types of people we should be focusing our promotional efforts at attracting.

One point of view is to focus on developers and advanced power users as they are the gap that we face most right now. Also, Tiki is a rather complex though powerful system, and so one needs to be an advanced power user at least to make use of its full power. These developers and advanced power users can then make "cool" sites for their customers who pay them to do so.

The other view is that we should not have this kind of special focus, but instead it should simply be generally about getting more users because with a larger user base, it will proportionately grow the numbers of developers and power users as well, and users might help to pay developers and advanced power users as well and so attract them indirectly.

The counter-counter argument is that a lack of focus will end up using more effort and be less successful. In the longer run of course we hope to do both, and this question is mainly for around the Tiki 15/16 time frame.

Vote: Should there be a special focus on attracting developers and advanced power users (in the Tiki 15/16 time frame)?

There should be a focus of promotional efforts on developers and advanced power users, rather than a more general effort towards increasing the user base in general.
Accept Undecided Reject
4 0 1
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • manivannans
  • luci

Modernize tools used by developers

There is mention that Tiki is using rather outdated tools, e.g. Sourceforge vs others, SVN vs other version control, IRC vs other tools. The question is whether we should consider modernizing some of these tools. Note that the new Tiki Addons are already going to use GITHUB (most likely with a mirror to SVN) already, but we are talking more about Tiki core here.

Vote: Should we be thinking of switching or adding some of these tools?

Consider switching away from SVN to something else in Tiki 15/16 timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
1 1 3
  • gezza
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • luci
Consider switching away from SVN to something else only after Tiki 17+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
2 2 0
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
  • koth
  • eromneg
Consider switching away from Sourceforge to something else in Tiki 15/16+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
1 1 3
  • gezza
  • jonnybradley
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • luci
Consider switching away from Sourceforge to something else only after Tiki 17+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
2 2 0
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
  • koth
  • eromneg
Consider switching away from IRC to something else in Tiki 15/16+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
0 3 1
  • koth
  • eromneg
  • gezza
  • luci
Consider switching away from IRC to something else only after Tiki 17+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
0 3 0
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
Consider adding other communication system that has backward compatible bridge into IRC in Tiki 15/16+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
4 0 1
  • koth
  • jonnybradley
  • eromneg
  • gezza
  • luci
Consider adding other communication system that has backward compatible bridge into IRC only after Tiki 17+ timeframe
Accept Undecided Reject
2 2 0
  • jonnybradley
  • luci
  • koth
  • eromneg

Mindmap Image

Note that the image is also attached to this page under "Files".

Page last modified on Wednesday 22 April 2015 14:10:00 GMT-0000