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Tiki 4
gezza: I think the current logo is too "edgy", chi likes to flow around rounded things..also web 2.0 look is more for rounded corners, so for Tiki 4 we should soften the current logo just a bit and it would fit better into the great new css styles.
Gary (chibaguy): I like the edges, myself, and in fact prefer a logo image that has a definite border (as much as I like luci's artwork overall), rather than having a reflection and other semi-transparent parts. I think these cause unnecessary trouble when being applied, and also reduce the effectiveness of the logo as a distinct image.
gezza: reflection was just that jquery effect inside Tiki, I removed it
Some sketches
get the source svg: tiki_logo_small_02.svg (21.39 Kb)
Having a Poll brakes the left/right colums, temporarly commented out
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{POLL(pollId="24")}Which one do you like?{POLL}
Tiki 3
This is the current version
Tiki 1.9
mose's contribution
This new logotype is very simple, pixel based on a favicon format, 16x16px, and well, when it still look good and meaningful (if ever it does). The invisible W suggested by the 2 dots aside the T is sortof subtile, but you can imagine it. The image of a circuit also can appear if you focus on the empty beetween the dots and the T. It can also look like a mask, or an helmet like a sortof stylized medieval or tribal pictogram. The shadow at the bottom of the outlined shapes put them in relief, and also induce a concept of transformation, or a footprint or a weight.
luci's contribution
luci's own try for TW logo / favicon
While I must agree mose's logo is very simple and works, I don't like the overall look and feel of it. It is too sad, old-stylish and the bottom part of it looks to me more like an unintentional rendering error than anything else (a shadow ?). That's why I decided to contribute my own version. I think it's still very simple but it looks more juicy and tasty. The idea/concept is taken from Thor Heyerdahl's Con Tiki boat. I hope the shape of the logo/favicon resembles it enough. Still you can see the "T" as simplified tribal face on the sail and imagine the "W" from the shapes of the boat. And it's original too 😉. Optionally i can make a 1px black or white border around the shapes but mostly it should work well on browser's address bar.
Here's how the favicon will render as indexed ico:
(btw, here would be very useful wiki syntax for br style="clear: both" now)
Comments are welcome, as well as real contributions like buttons, graphic designs or anything, just enhance this page...
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Tiki full icon
Tiki 4
Some sketches
logo | TikiLogo