Tiki does receive Donations but it doesn't amount to a lot of money. The Fundraising Team will set up some additional initiatives to get more funding via grants and Affiliate programs and other Advertising.
This page is to discuss/prioritize general guidelines where funding will be allocated. We try to get everything sponsored but if we can't, here are general priorities.
Bare bones
- Domain names
- Yearly Association fees & dues (the official incorporation paperwork)
- Trademark renewal (once per 10-years)
- Servers (this could likely be sponsored but it's not a high expense at the moment)
- Legal fees
- Promotional merchandise to distribute at community events.
- Organizational expenses for TikiFests (rent space, etc.)
- Travel expenses for TikiFests
- Some people come from very far and/or live in a country where the currency is weak and travel costs are prohibitive.
Other notes
- It is not expected to use funding for feature development because this is something that should come from the community, in an organic way. (do-ocracy)
- But there could eventually be development funding for things that are hard to fund organically (ex.: revamps, UI improvements, new themes, etc.) with a focus on things which bring more funding
- We must be vary wary of engaging the association in recurring costs