Release Process 1.9.0
Bugs Fixed
[-]- Newsletter: fix the sql error is user subscribes twice sylvie
- Gallery : path disclosure fixed sylvie
- Community admin: fix sql error on depth sylvie
- Wiki: fix a strange blank page on some system for tiki-index.php sylvie
- User tasks: fix the error you must have 3 chars while editing a task sylvie
- Article: Article with categ not allowed is no more shown in list_articles sylvie
- Calendar: fix sql error when a new DB is used sylvie - Patch available on ReleaseProcess19DR4
New Features
[-]- TikiMaps: Layer Grouping tna
- TikiMaps: Mapfile history with compare and diff Franck
- TikiMaps: a file with the extension .NDL will stop anybody from downloading similar files Franck
- Poll module : for random active poll and {poll=current} for random current poll sylvieUser errorPlugin argument(s) missing:
- pollId
[-]- Messages : a note to inform you you have not allow somebody to reply to you if it is the case sylvie