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This is a very old page. Any relevant info should be merge with Domains and Infrastructure Team.

Here's a list of the servers and hosts in the tiki community that participate to the development effort :

  • UserPagemose hosts the official tikiwiki website on his personal server
    • http://tikiwiki.org
      server infos (phpsysinfo) : http://tikiwiki.org/sys/
      server stats (mrtg) : ServerStats
      web stats (webalizer) : http://tikiwiki.org/webalizer/
      photo http://tikiwiki.org/image2
    • That server also hosts the PRIMARY tikiwiki.org DNS server
      UserPagetom provides a secondary DNS server
      UserPageang provides a secondary DNS server
      UserPageredflo provides 2 secondary DNS servers
    • and then the MX server, creating an alias list from tikiwiki.org db with Developers group members,
      so each tikiwiki community member being in that group gets an email with <login>@tikiwiki.org
      redirected to their personnal email, if they choosed their email be public.

  • Jean-Michel jmj propose un hébergement en Suisse des aujourd'hui sur une ligne a 18Mbps, ma modeste contribution a ce superbe projet qu'est TikiWiki

  • please add your name here and your intention, or your urls ..

Localized Tiki Network

We wish to setup a network of organized tikiwiki for each languages or country, that could host translated documentation and local groups activities and discussions.

  • UserPageohertel hosts a DE localized official tikiwiki
    first try on http://de.tiki.org/ - currently 1.9 CVS

  • UserPageDamian hosts a UK local tikiwiki with TikiWiki downloads (useful when SF goes down)

  • UserPagepmichelazzo hosts a Brazilan protuguese localised tikiwiki community site
    at http://br.tiki.org

  • UserPagepatvdv hosts a Dutch (Nederlands) localised tikiwiki community site
    at http://nl.tiki.org

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:41:39 GMT-0000