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Admin Documentation

please include screenshots and documentation focused toward admins, rather than developers


create user

To create a user fill out the first four fields:

user = userid

pass = password
again = password again

email = user's e-mail address

batch creation via csv file

Accounts can be created batch upload using a .csv file. See below for examples of valid files. To use the batch upload feature, leave the four user fields blank; browse for and select a .csv file containing the use information.


Here is an example for a valid csv file:




The last column "groups" is optional, so the following is valid, too:




Note: There should be no new line after the last row. Extra line feeds will be reported as errors, but accounts for valid lines will be added regardless.
Note: First line must contain the header "login","password","email" and optionally "groups". See examples above.


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

Knowledgebase / tutorial / FAQ / How-to=-


Who is working here generally? Link UserPage.

For more information


  • Admin users needs a way to delete all users that have never logged in and a way of dunning all users that have not logged in X period of time...
  • admin needs a clean house of users
  • add gender icon for users
  • Ability to change username from one thing to another. (Possibly recursively throughout tiki, updating links, pages, ownerships, etc.
  • Ability to search/sort user list based on specific criteria: (User is in group "Staff", User is NOT in group "Customers", etc....)
  • Ability to tag (possibly w/ checkboxes?) a group of users. (Maybe selected by above-requested search/sort function?) And then apply one or more actions to entire group. (Add all selected users to group "Customers", Remove all selected accounts from group "Editors", etc...)


Page last modified on Wednesday 11 May 2005 15:32:49 GMT-0000