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Admin Documentation

Administrators can view and edit the User Preference page for any user.

Future Version (1.8) only
The following is only applicable to the CVS version until 1.8 versions are released:

User Defined Fields
A rudimentary capability exists to add additional text fields to the User Preferences page. This might be used for fields like:

  • ))Home_Phone((
  • AIM (or other IM handles)
  • Address
  • ))Professional_Certs((

In order to add a new field, you must insert a record into the tiki_user_preferences table. Use a command similar to the following:

insert into tiki_user_preferences values('CustomFields','Home_Phone',NULL);

The values of the 3 fields are:

  1. must be 'CustomFields'
  2. descriptive label - this is what shows on screen as the field label
  3. default value - NULL means no default, a string here will put that value in the field for the user to edit.

  1. At this time, there is no web page to create the actual field definitions, you must use the SQL statement shown above.
  2. No spaces are allowed in the label, an underscore can be used instead.
  3. There is no support for anything other than plain text fields
  4. Possible security issue - if a user registers with the name 'CustomFields', they could possibly change the default values, or cause other problems. Possible workaround - create your own user with that name and don't use it for anything.
  5. The created fields are informational only, they don't hook into anything useful inside Tiki.

Knowledgebase / tutorial / FAQ / How-to


Dennis Heltzel

For more information

Page last modified on Wednesday 05 November 2003 21:05:34 GMT-0000