History: TikiSecurity
Preview of version: 12
To allow us time to patch the system, please report the vulnerability using the bug tracking system using the category "security" but without detailing the vulnerability so it cannot be exploited. Leave your e-mail so we can contact you, or contact security at tikiwiki.org and we'll deal with your input.
Cross-Site Request Forgeries (CSRF)
Taken from PHP Under Attack:
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) exploits the trust a web site has for a particular user. It involves tricking a user into unknowingly sending a HTTP request of the attacker's choosing to the vulnerable web site. The following example demonstrates CSRF:
- A trusted user logs into http://top-secret-site.com/vulnerable.cgi
- The user is tricked into visiting a malicious site.
- The malicious web site sends the user the followig HTML:
< img src="http://top-secret-site.com/vulnerable.cgi?action=trusteduseraction&user=gullibledude">
The following is an article from ApacheCon - very good reading.
Secure PHP Programming: Foiling Cross-Site Attacks
Here are some pieces of background for your personnal knowledge :
(excerpt from many mails from Jun Moriya )
Jun 13, 2001 bugtraq at securityfocus.com
Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF, pronounced "sea surf")
2003/07 php conference at oscon 2003
PHP Under Attack
PHP Under Attack OSCON 2003 (slide)
Read documentation in comments of file lib/tikiticketlib.php :
Easy DOS?
- Hitting F5 repeatedly to refresh a page can ratchet up server load easily... try it at home see what happens
- the ab command if you've got apache running... try this one at home
- ab -n 15 http://YOURTIKISITE.com:80/tiki-index.php
- I watched my server load climb quickly as this benchmark was run... This seems like an easy DOS tactic to me.
- ab -n 15 http://YOURTIKISITE.com:80/tiki-index.php
Content in filesystem
If well most of data in Tiki is stored in a database, some can be stored in filesystem, like file or image galleries, or backups. Those directories could be outside the web tree (but accessable from apache/php), or have some restriction in the webserver to be accessed directly, i.e. for apache servers a file named .htaccess could be put in those directories with something like
))AuthType(( Basic
))AuthUserFile(( /dev/null
))AuthGroupFile(( /dev/null
Require valid-user