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Rick's Tikiwiki User Page
I've been using Tikiwiki for a few years now. I try to help out in the the forums and IRC. My primary focus is on UI customization and end-user experience. On and off (when I get a chance), I've been trying to complete an Unofficial Tiki Walthrough.
New Blog
This page has become too long (and out of date). So, I started a Tiki Blog to describe and document my peronsal Tiki journey. Enjoy....
My Sites
Currently, I admin the following Tiki-based sites:
http://www.keycontent.org Completely customized theme. You can read the details on my How Did They Do It page. |
My Tiki Add-ons
- Captcha support
I integrated the CAPTCHA service from http://www.protectwebform.com/ in my Tiki. Here is an example...
My blog shows how.... - Tag cloud
I integrated the automatic tag cloud from http://www.zoomclouds.com/ in my Tiki. Here is an example. (The tag list is at the bottom of the blog.)
Rick's Tiki Walkthrough
This walkthrough will introduce you to some of the main features in TikiWiki.
After completing this walkthrough, you'll learn how to:
- Turn on (or off) specific Tikiwiki features
- Enble articles, forums, blogs, and site identity
- Disable top and bottom bar, hotwords, and image gallery
- Change the look and feel (theme) of your Tikiwiki
- Specifying your site's identity
- Assign user and group permissions
- Create custom menus
- Customize TikiWiki's modules
Prerequisites — Installing Tiki
Before starting this walkthrough you must already have:
- Created your database
- Copy the Tiki files to your server
- Run the tiki-intall.php installaiton program.
After successfully installing Tiki
Welcome to Tikiwiki
After successfully installing Tikiwiki, you'll see the home page:
Currently, your home page is a wiki page (named ))HomePage((, but we'll change that later. By default, Tikiwiki is configured to include:
- Top Bar
Currently, the Top Bar simply shows the version number, copyright information, and current date. We'll customize it later to include our site's logo. - Modules (Menu, Tikiwiki Assitant, and Login)
The left and right columns can contain Modules,- Menu — This is the main menu, we'll customize it later.
- TikiWiki Assistant — This is a quick guide to getting started. Later, we'll replace it with other modules.
- Login Box — This is required for users to login to your Tikiwiki
- Bottom Bar
By default, the Bottom Bar contains:- "Powered By" buttons for all of TikiWiki's partners
- RSS Feeds for currently active features
- Debugging and performance information.
Now that you're familiar with the screen, let's get started...
Logging in for the first time
In order to make any changes to your Tikiwiki, you must be logged in as the Admin. Use the Login module to login.
By default, your initial Admin login is:
- User: admin
- Pass: admin
Note that usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. Since this is your first login, Tikiwiki prompts you to change your Admin password.
Select a new password and click change. You're now logged in as the Admin. Notice that:
- The Login module has changed. It now shows your user name. Because you are the site Admin, you can quickly login as any other user.
- Both the Menu and TikiWIki Assistant modules have changed. They now includes options for you (as the Admin) that were previously unavailable to an Anonymous user..
Now let's get started customizing your TikiWiki...
Turning on (and off) Tiki's Features
By default, Tikiwiki has the following features activated:
- MyTiki
- Wiki
- Image Gallery
To enable other features:
- Expand the Admin menu by clicking its folder icon. The menu expands, showing the full Admin list.
- Click the Admin home option. The Administration: Administration screen appears.
- Click the Features button. The Administration: Features screen appears.
Before configuring any Tikiwiki features, you must enable them on this screen. For this walkthrough, select the following features:
- Articles
- Forums
- Site Identity
...and disable the following features:
- Top bar, Bottom bar icons, and Bottom bar debug
- Hotwords
- Image gallery
Click change preferences (at the very bottom of the page) to save your changes. Tikiwiki saves your changes, then displays the home page. Notice that:
- The Tikiwiki logo and search bar have been added to the top of the screen (as part of the Site Identity feature)
- The top bar (with the version number and date) has been removed
- All items on the Bottom bar (except the RSS feeds) have been removed.
- The Menu module has been changed:
- The Image Gallary option has been removed
- The Articles and Forums options now appear.
Refer to the tikiwiki docs for complete information on all the available features.
Now that we've enabled the features, it is time to configure them...
Configuring the Wiki
To configure the wiki:
- Expand the Admin menu by clicking its folder icon. The menu expands, showing the full Admin list.
- Click the Admin home option. The Administration: Administration screen appears.
- Click the Wiki option. The Administration: Wiki screen appears.
Configuring the Articles
To configure the wiki:
- Expand the Admin menu by clicking its folder icon. The menu expands, showing the full Admin list.
- Click the Admin home option. The Administration: Administration screen appears.
- Click the Articles option. The Administration: Wiki screen appears.
- In the CMS Features area, enable the Submissions option and click Change preferences.
Configuirng the Forum
...page... Wiki page pagination has not been enabled.
Sample Doc page
Feature Name
Type | feature, admin, config, etc. |
Feature | wiki, cms, articles, etc. |
Permissions | tiki_p_view, etc. |
Introduced | 1.94 |
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