History: 2012 Year in Review
Preview of version: 9
Sometime in 2013
- After Tiki website revamp
- When Tiki 9.x LTS is quite mature
We will write to all 500+ SF devs and a few weeks laters, to all tiki.org site members
Maybe we'll accelerate to get:
- 2012 Open Source CMS Market Share Survey
- http://info.tiki.org/article202-Vote-for-Tiki-Best-Free-CMS (voting until November 11th, 2012)
- http://www.waterandstone.com/book/2011-open-source-cms-market-share-survey-now-open
- Inform them of Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and http://branding.tiki.org/Trademark
- Change of passw storage
- Give them news of last several years
- How to delete their account
- How to subscribe to the newsletter
- Explain new Lifecycle and encourage them to upgrade
- Promote 1-click installers
- Promote sponsors
- Ask for a Donation
- Encourage them to join a Team
- Update their user tracker
- tiki.org will soon show all user contributions to improve social networking. This setting should have been like that since the beginning and we are now correcting. If you disagree, let us know or delete your account
Year in Review Message
This is the 2011 Year in Review message that was sent to all SourceForge Tiki members (Nov 4, 2011).
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware: 2011 Year In Review
You are receiving this message because you belong to the Tiki Tiki CMS Groupware project on SourceForge.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/).
This year has been an exciting time for the Tiki Community! As the year draws to a close, we want to give a quick recap of all that's been going on. In addition to this summary, we want to pass along three important invitations:
- The 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Survey is now open. It takes only a few minutes to complete the survey, and your input will help Tiki. See http://info.tiki.org/article179-Support-Tiki-in-the-2011-Open-Source-CMS-Market-Share-Survey for details.
- If you offer any Tiki-related services (hosting, customization, and so on), we invite you to join the Tiki Service Providers program. See http://info.tiki.org/Tiki+Service+Provider for details.
- Please support Tiki (and your favorite Free/Open Source projects) on Ohloh.net, http://info.tiki.org/article168-Support-Tiki-and-your-favorite-Free-Open-Source-projects-on-Ohloh-net
Now, on with the year in review....
- Tiki featured on the Floss Weekly Netcast (episode 146), http://info.tiki.org/article136-Watch-Tiki-s-Marc-Laporte-on-FLOSS-Weekly
- Tiki Passes 900,000 Downloads on SourceForge.net, http://info.tiki.org/article139-Tiki-Passes-900-000-Downloads-on-SourceForge-net
- Tiki integrates BigBlueButton (a free/open source, real-time, collaboration tool with audio, video, screensharing, and whiteboarding features), http://info.tiki.org/article142-Collaborative-web-conferencing-with-Tiki-and-BigBlueButton
- Tiki Trackers: The Easy Way to build forms and add interaction to your website, http://info.tiki.org/article152-Tiki-Trackers-The-Easy-Way-to-add-interaction
- Announcing the Tiki Service Provider Program, http://info.tiki.org/article147-Announcing-the-Tiki-Service-Provider-Program
- Tiki Suite at Confoo.ca, http://info.tiki.org/article156-Tiki-Suite-and-Confoo-ca and http://suite.tiki.org/
- A web-based interface to collaborate on translations, in context, http://info.tiki.org/article160-Interactive-Multilingual-Crowdsourcing-translations-with-Tiki and http://info.tiki.org/article130-A-Real-Multilingual-Wiki-Solution
- Preparation for the the 2011 Tiki Summer Tour with TikiFests in USA, Canada, Germany, France, and Israel, http://info.tiki.org/article165-The-2011-Tiki-Summer-Tour
- Release of Tiki 7.0 and promotion of Tiki 6.x to LTS, http://info.tiki.org/article167-Get-Tiki-7-the-latest-from-Tiki-Wiki-CMS-Groupware
- A new way to contribute to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, http://info.tiki.org/article169-A-new-way-to-contribute-to-Tiki-Wiki-CMS-Groupware
- Tiki at OSCON 2011, http://info.tiki.org/article171-Tiki-will-be-at-OSCON-2011
- Release of Tiki 6.4LTS and 7.1 (and end-of-life for 3.x), http://info.tiki.org/article172-Tiki-6-4-LTS-and-Tiki-7-1-Now-Available-End-of-Life-for-Tiki-3-x
- Release of Tiki 7.2, http://info.tiki.org/article175-Tiki-7-2-Now-Available
- Tiki turns 9 years old, http://info.tiki.org/article176-Happy-Birthday-Tiki
- Tiki mailing lists pass 100,000 messages, http://info.tiki.org/article178-Tiki-Mailing-Lists-Pass-100-000-Messages
November & December
- Look for the release of Tiki 8.0, 7.3, and 6.5LTS
- Planning for TikiFest Design
- and more!
You are invited to re-acquaint yourself with Tiki. Log in to http://tiki.org to see what's happening. Or join us on IRC (http://irc.tiki.org) for a chat. Or follow us (http://tiki.org/networks) on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and other networks.
Visit http://tiki.org for all Tiki news or subscribe to our newsletter.
We hope to see you soon!
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware