History: AulaWiki
Preview of version: 14

The first version of AulaWiki was developed by http://www.escire.com for Colegio Maria Virgen, a spanish secondary school.
AulaWiki 0.1, has been completely rewrited and now it offers a more general set of tools that can be used not only for school (Project management, groupware...)
The most important concept implemented on AulaWiki, is Workspaces. It allows groups administration of Tiki resources (users, groups, wiki pages, blogs....).
A workspace can be every thing that you define: a course, a student group, a project....
Demo site
User: test/test
Quick start
- Use "Admin>Admin mods" to get the code, from: http://www.escire.org/aulawiki/mods
- Once installed, assign module "aulawiki_assistant" to your group, and follow instructions there. So far, they include:
Welcome to AulaWiki!
First configuration steps:
- Assign aulawiki_myworkspaces to the users that you want to use AulaWiki workspaces.
- Change theme to AulaWiki.css.
- Define the workspace roles and permission levels.
- Define the workspace types , use MenuID 100 or define your own menu. Assign Workspace type resources default resources and Assigned modules desktop modules.
- Create a workspace of the previosly defined type.
- View workspace desktopView the workspace desktop.
- My Workspaces module show the active workspace and menu.
- You'll notice (clear tiki caches if needed) a new entry in main menu, below admin, with AulaWiki main options.
- Admin Roles
- Workspace Types
- Admin Workspaces
- 10/08/2006 AulaWiki is renamed WorkSpaces and Tiki Workspace is added as a feature to upcoming Tiki 1.10
- 25/04/2006 Released AulaWiki 0.4 and uploaded to Tiki Mods CVS HEAD.
- 26/02/2006 Released AulaWiki 0.2
- 05/02/2006 AulaWiki Tutorial and video at eScire
- 05/02/2006 Released AulaWiki 0.1, packed as TikiMod at http://www.escire.org/aulawiki/mods
- 20/11/2005 AulaWiki Screenshots
- 20/06/2005 started migration to Tiki 1.9.x