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History: CalendarDocOld

Preview of version: 9

Tiki offers several very powerful and versatile calendars.

Calendar in the menu, reports tiki activity and can be used for group planning

  • don't get confused when looking at future dates and the event calendar is empty... the calendar doesn't realize that you are in Time A looking at Time B... Time B is in the future meaning all of events in Time A are already past and therefore NOT displayed... which can be very very confusing.
    • topic images with the calendar do not work
    • can not have URLs in the calendar

Ephemeride is global to the website, helps webmaster to choose what to display what day.
UserCalendar is personal and very simple.




FYI: Did You Know...

  • ... In one year the moon circles the earth 13 times?
  • ... In the current global standard calendar, a month doesn't correspond to one natural cycle?

  • ... The word "calendar" comes from the Roman word, "Calends", which was the name of the account book, the book recording monthly debts and bills to be paid?
  • ... Time isn't money?

  • ... September means seven, but is the ninth month?
  • ... March is named for Mars, the Roman God of War?
  • ... July and August are named for Julius and Augustus Caesar?

  • If today is Monday, June 1st, what day of the week will July 1st be? .... and August 1st? ......... what about November 1st?

  • If you were to build a house, wouldn't you use a ruler of equal measure?

  • The current twelve month calendar is made of months of unequal measure:
  • 31 days is followed by 28 or 29 days, then 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days and 31 days.

  • The greatest masters in the art of time planning were the mayans. 🙄

  • If we are really planning to create a global and international tool - TikiWiki -, then lets get over some of our past habits: this includes imho also the preference of an irregular measure over a harmonic.

  • This type of calendar, a 13-Moon 28 day-calendar, was actively supported by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1931. The calendar change was supported by people such as Eastman Kodak and Mahatma Gandhi.



Information Version
Torsten Fabricius 12
Torsten Fabricius 11
Lorinc 10
Lorinc 9
Lorinc 8
eHa 7
Dennis Heltzel 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 2