History: CalendarDocOld
Preview of version: 9
Tiki offers several very powerful and versatile calendars.
Calendar in the menu, reports tiki activity and can be used for group planning
- don't get confused when looking at future dates and the event calendar is empty... the calendar doesn't realize that you are in Time A looking at Time B... Time B is in the future meaning all of events in Time A are already past and therefore NOT displayed... which can be very very confusing.
- topic images with the calendar do not work
- can not have URLs in the calendar
Ephemeride is global to the website, helps webmaster to choose what to display what day.
UserCalendar is personal and very simple.
FYI: Did You Know...
- ... In one year the moon circles the earth 13 times?
- ... In the current global standard calendar, a month doesn't correspond to one natural cycle?
- ... The word "calendar" comes from the Roman word, "Calends", which was the name of the account book, the book recording monthly debts and bills to be paid?
- ... Time isn't money?
- ... September means seven, but is the ninth month?
- ... March is named for Mars, the Roman God of War?
- ... July and August are named for Julius and Augustus Caesar?
- If today is Monday, June 1st, what day of the week will July 1st be? .... and August 1st? ......... what about November 1st?
- If you were to build a house, wouldn't you use a ruler of equal measure?
- The current twelve month calendar is made of months of unequal measure:
- 31 days is followed by 28 or 29 days, then 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days and 31 days.
- find out more here: http://www.tortuga.com
- The greatest masters in the art of time planning were the mayans. 🙄
- If we are really planning to create a global and international tool - TikiWiki -, then lets get over some of our past habits: this includes imho also the preference of an irregular measure over a harmonic.
- This type of calendar, a 13-Moon 28 day-calendar, was actively supported by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1931. The calendar change was supported by people such as Eastman Kodak and Mahatma Gandhi.