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History: CategoryAdmin

Preview of version: 16

Admin Documentation


The tiki_p_admin_categories is the file that controls who can admin categories. (See the admin categories section in the admin section of this panel)

With administrative privileges, click Admin, then the Features icon. Under the Tiki Sections and Features heading, find and check the Categories checkbox, then save your changes.

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You now should see a Categories item when you expand the Admin menu.

There are four sections (tables) in this screen that we will explain:

The listing of categories:

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This section of the page displays you current categories in an expandable tree. If no subcategories exist yet, all that you will see is the TOP category. The category structure is hierarchical, i.e., the top category is the only category with no parent. The display includes the list of subcategories for the current category, for each sub -category the name, number of sub-categories, number of objects in the category and links to edit/remove the category.

The up/top links can be used to go to the parent category (up) or the top category (top).

Editing or adding sub categories

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This section displays a form where you can edit or add a subcategory to the current category, just indicate a name and a description.

Category objects

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This section shows a list of objects in the current category, you can remove the objects that you want to remove. Removing an object from a category only removes it from the listing; the object remains in Tiki.

Adding objects to the current category

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You can add existing Tiki objects to the current category. Select the object from one of the combos and click add. Note: if you have too many objects you first may want to filter object names; use the find filter at the top. You can categorize the following objects:

  • Wiki pages
  • Articles
  • Weblogs
  • Image galleries
  • File galleries
  • Forums
  • Polls


This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

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For more information


Information Version
Xavier de Pedro 19
rkin005 18
Philippe Cloutier fixed links 17
Jonathan Smith 16
Jonathan Smith 15
Jonathan Smith 14
Jonathan Smith 13
Jonathan Smith 12
DennisDaniels linked 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8