History: Deleted Empty Structures
Preview of version: 2
The following items are wiki page structures to be deleted because they have no pages assigned. This page is kept as a record in case any structure should be reinstated. Most instances have a top page only, not deleted.
- 1-click installers
- 2010-09-17 Formation Tiki Montreal
- 2014-09-03 testpage
- 2016 Tiki Admin Group Nominations
- 3Rules,nl
- AboutLuisArgerich
- Add Consultant
- AdminSecurity
- ADOdb
- All Releases
- Alternative to Atlassian
- Alternative to Google
- Alternative to Zoho
- Android
- Appliance
- Article vs Blog
- ArticleGloss
- articles in wrong category
- Arvixe
- AuthCAS
- AuthPAMAdmin
- AuthPAMOld
- BigBlueButton
- Blitzweekend2008
- Bluehost
- Books
- branding.tiki.org
- BrokenTheme
- brtug
- CalendarSharingDev
- Category
- CategoryPermissions
- ClearOS
- Cloud
- CMS Landscape
- Communication
- Community Worldmap
- Connecting To IRC
- Consultants Survey 2016
- Continuity
- Contribute to Tiki
- Contributor Interview
- CssEditDev
- Damian
- demo.tiki.org
- detug
- Difficult People
- Distros
- Enterprise
- Events related to Tiki
- F-Droid
- FaqAdmin
- FaqGloss
- Favicon
- Features
- FireFox
- FLOSS Web Application with the longest predictable security support period
- FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features
- FLOSS Web Applications with the fastest release cycles
- ForumAdmin
- ForumDoc,es
- framework
- FusionPBX
- GalaxiaConcepts
- GentooLinux
- Glossary
- GLUG Diskussion
- Groupware Interfaces
- GuidelinesDev
- History
- Hosting
- HowToApacheModSecurity
- HTML in WIKI Page Error
- i18n status
- IisTroubleshooting
- InfoTikiWikiOrgDev
- InstallCvsMonitorGentoo
- InstallImageMagick
- InstallTiki
- InstallTiki, nl
- InstallTikiDev
- InstallTikiRPM
- InstallTikiTroubleShootingDoc
- Jeppers
- JgraphPadDev
- Jitsi
- Jitsi Meet
- Job opening Paris webdesigner/content manager position
- KarmaDoc
- Kimchi
- KnoppixRemastered
- KnoppixTiki
- Kolab
- LanguageBrazilianPortuguese
- LanguageCatalan
- LanguageDutch
- LanguageGreekIssues
- LanguageItalian
- LanguageJapanese
- LanguageSpanish
- LauLima
- LayoutDivOrTable
- Le mois de Septembre occupé pour 3L
- License
- Lifecycle
- LoginBug
- Mailing Lists
- Map of all users via searchlayer
- MemeTikiSites
- Metadot
- MobileTiki
- Model
- Module Adsense
- ModuleCategories
- ModuleLastImages
Remaining, valid structures:
- Help
- Infrastructure Handbook
- Learning Management