History: DrawingsDoc
Preview of version: 5 (current)
Drawing are created using the syntax
{draw name=foo}
Drawing can be used in wiki pages, blog posts or articles. You need the permission to be able to edit drawings.
Drawing are identified by name {draw name=foo} is the same drawing in a wiki page or an article. Drawing are viewed as normal gif pages, drawings are edited by clicking on the drawing (if you have the permission) an applet will be displayed to edit the drawing. So you need a Java -enabled browser to edit drawings.
insert graphic
In this applet you edit the drawing and then using save&exit the drawing is updated, tiki will try to reload the page you are viewing to refresh the drawing.
Administering drawings
With the right permission you will be able to admin drawings, you will see a list of existing drawings and you will be able to remove the drawings that you want or edit them by clicking on the drawing thumbnail.
insert graphic
The following permissions apply to drawings.
insert graphic
please link to the live Feature on tiki.org
This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).
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